Others Are Your Own Mirror, What Are They Trying To Show You?

Have you considered the possibility that the behavior of others that bothers you so much is one of your weak points?

Did you know that others are like a mirror that reflects you? You may not have realized it, but you relate to yourself through others. For example, there are things that bother your friends from other people, and you don’t. This happens because they see something in others that they have and, therefore, they react.

The problem is that it is often thought that what makes you react is not your own responsibility, but the other’s fault. First error. If it were not yours, you would ignore that the other was a liar, an infidel or had another quality that you consider despicable.

If others are your mirror, take advantage of it

Others are your own mirror in life.

Perhaps you consider it terrible that others are your mirror. However, it is an excellent opportunity to see what it is you have to heal from yourself. For example, if you are bothered by someone who criticizes others and you cannot bear it, you may be being hard on yourself, pushing yourself too hard, and needing to let this go.

In another case, if you are suffering an infidelity or if you have gone through several relationships in which “they cheat on you “, check if you are being unfaithful to yourself in any way. Where are you not respecting the values ​​you have?

As you can see, the law of the mirror does not tell you that you are critical of others or unfaithful, but rather refers to the relationship you have with yourself. In this way, according to a study carried out in 2009 by several researchers from the University of Belgium, an interpretation must be made in which only individual experience can help.

Thanks to others, you see what you have to improve on. If you are with a partner who is attached to their mother and that bothers you … What happens in the relationship with yours? Do you want it to be something closer?

Do not hold others responsible for what you feel

Happiness is usually left in the hands of others, and it is also done with other kinds of things. For example, blaming others for anger.

However, no one can provoke a different reaction in you than what you want to feel (unless they are opening an existing wound). For example, if a boss mentions an improvement at work and you feel a rejection of this, you may be insecure.

What each mirror tells you is that you focus on yourself, that you focus on yourself and that you begin to take responsibility for each act. As the expert Emily Pronin explains, it is comfortable to blame others for what happens to you. However, that unfaithful person who bothers you so much and who may not even be affecting you, is telling you something.

For this reason, in one way or another, you also have to relate to yourself; every good or bad thing that you see in the other, you will have it too. If not, you would not see it.

Relationships with others tell you what to change

Others are your own mirror in life.

Sometimes you suffer because friends do not call you and you are the one who has to be there. Others, you complain because you end up running into the same type of partner who ends up making you suffer.

If you feel pain, if something is not going well in relationships , take advantage of them to be able to see within yourself what you are doing wrong. And don’t think that what they do has nothing to do with you, don’t just think that they are selfish or bad people.

See what the way you relate to others means to you. Maybe you give too much and don’t allow others to have room to show, too, that they can do things for the relationship.

If you stumble across the same pattern of people, you may not be respecting or loving yourself. Maybe you even suffer from some kind of dependency. So now is the time to remove the blindfold.

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