Smoothies To Unclog The Arteries

Our diet is essential for strong health. In this case, to unclog the arteries, we are going to opt for shakes and smoothies, whose digestion is also easier

The consumption of fat and salt is one of the main reasons why blood cannot travel well through the arteries. The arterial walls accumulate these substances and do not allow a comfortable and normal flow.

We should not take high cholesterol levels lightly, because they can lead to heart attacks or cardiovascular accidents. For this reason, we recommend that you try one of the shakes to unclog the arteries in this article.

Cleaning the arteries

It is important that we include foods in our diet that help us reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood. These substances cover the arteries and prevent blood from being transported accordingly.

It is essential that cholesterol is kept within normal limits. We must avoid suffering, for example, heart problems.

Pay close attention to these smoothie and smoothie recipes. They contain fibers, antioxidants and omega 3 acids that will help you clean your arteries and improve your lifestyle.

1. Strawberries, blueberries and chia seeds

Strawberries, blueberries and chia seeds to unclog the arteries

Both strawberries and blueberries have many properties and provide us with vitamin C and antioxidants. The chia seeds that this recipe contains offer you very effective fatty acids when it comes to unclogging the arteries.


  • 1 cup of milk (better if it is almond or walnut) (250 ml)
  • 1 cup of strawberries (170 g)
  • ½ cup of blueberries (75 g)
  • ¼ cup of chia seeds (60 g)
  • ¼ cup of mint leaves (25 g)


  • To start, wash the strawberries and blueberries well. Cut into halves.
  • Place the fruits in the blender glass and add the milk.
  • Next, add the chia seeds.
  • Finally, mix for a few minutes, until it forms a homogeneous cream.
  • Serve immediately and garnish with the mint leaves (which will add flavor and aroma).

    2. Melon and grapes

    As you can see, the fruits in this smoothie are perfect for improving our cardiovascular health. The nutrients provided by both melon and grapes reduce cholesterol and cleanse the arteries of excess fat.


    • ½ cup of melon (75 g)
    • ¼ cup of green grapes (40 g)
    • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
    • ¼ cup of mint leaves (25 g)


    • To start, peel the melon and cut it into cubes.
    • Wash the grapes well and cut them in half to remove the seeds.
    • Place both fruits in the blender glass.
    • Next, add the water and process so that the ingredients are mixed well.
    • After serving, garnish with the washed mint leaves.

    3. Cabbage, carrot and parsley

    Carrot, beneficial for the arteries

    So that you do not think that only fruits are good to unclog arteries, we also tell you how to make smoothies with vegetables. In this case it is a drink rich in calcium that prevents the formation of blood clots and prevents arteriosclerosis.


    • ½ cup kale (33 g)
    • ¼ cup of chopped parsley (25 g)
    • ½ cup of carrots (70 g)


    • First, wash the kale well and cut into medium strips.
    • Wash the parsley. We are only going to take advantage of the leaves, not the stem. Chop them to make the process easier.
    • Peel the carrots and cut into cubes.
    • Next, put the cabbage, parsley and carrot in the blender. If you want, you can add a little water.
    • Mix well until the ingredients are combined.
    • Before serving you can strain. Drink every morning.

    4. Broccoli, tomato, and celery

    We are not talking about a salad (although it could very well be served as such if we don’t process the ingredients). Rather than a shake we recommend to avoid clogging the arteries.


    • 1 cup of broccoli flowers (150 g)
    • 2 tomatoes
    • ½ cup of celery (60 g)


    • First, wash the broccoli well and separate the flowers from the stems. You will only use the first ones.
    • Next, wash the tomatoes and cut into cubes.
    • Afterwards, wash the celery stalks and chop.
    • Put the vegetables in the blender glass and process for a few moments.
    • If you wish, you can add a little water and a minced garlic clove.
    • Drink better in the morning, freshly prepared.

    5. Carrot and radish

    Radishes for the arteries

    The antioxidant properties of both ingredients are ideal for those who want to reduce the accumulated fat in their arteries. So we can  achieve better blood circulation.


    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • 1 cup of carrots (140 g)
    • ½ cup of radishes (60 g)


    • To start, peel the carrots and chop them.
    • Wash the radishes, remove the roots and leaves and cut it into four parts (you can also grate it to make it easier).
    • Put the carrots and radishes in the blender glass.
    • Then add the water and mix well so that it is a homogeneous shake.

    6. Pear and spinach

    pear juice for arteries

    A bittersweet and very rich idea that will help you start the day with a lot of energy, as well as improve arterial health. Give it a try!


    • 2 cups of pears (300 g)
    • 4 cups of spinach (120 g)


    • To start, peel the pears and cut into medium cubes (discard the heart as well).
    • Wash the spinach well and cut the stems: you will only use the leaves.
    • Next, add the pears and spinach to the blender bucket.
    • Mix well until you get a consistent shake. Drink immediately.

    7. Carrot and apple

    Another option that mixes fruits and vegetables and that you will love. The antioxidant properties of the ingredients in this recipe are perfect for healthy arteries without adhesions on their walls.


    • 1 cup of carrots (140 g)
    • ½ cup of red apple (75 g)
    • 1 cup of grapes (160 g)
    • ½ cup of orange (75 g)


    • To start, peel the carrots and dice them.
    • Peel the apple, cut in half, remove the core and chop.
    • Wash the grapes and remove the seeds.
    • Then, peel the orange, cut into wedges and remove the seeds.
    • In the blender glass add the carrots, apple, grapes and orange.
    • Finally, beat well and drink. If you want, you can add some ice cubes.
    • Drink 3 times a week in the morning (better on an empty stomach).

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