7 Ideas To Take Advantage Of All The Benefits Of Avocado

The avocado or avocado is a very nutritious and complete tropical fruit, rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. The benefits of avocado are so many that it cannot be missing from our daily diet.

In this article we share 7 ideas to take advantage of it, from the pulp to the seed or the peel, both in the kitchen and for some beauty tricks. 

Avocado benefits

Avocado is one of the most nutritious foods that exist, as well as one of the healthiest fruits for our health.

It contains vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, H, K, folic acid), essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9), and minerals (potassium and magnesium). It is an excellent source of beneficial fats, plant protein, and fiber. These are the health benefits of avocado:

  • Regulates the nervous system, in a way that combats disorders such as anxiety, stress, insomnia or nervousness.
  • Helps prevent and treat anemia.
  • Protects against cellular aging caused by free radicals.
  • Reduces Cholesterine and Triglycerids levels.
  • Improves the functioning of the heart.
  • Improves the appearance of the skin and nails.
  • Fight overweight and reduce your waistline.
  • It has anticancer properties.
  • Reduces inflammation.

Ideas to take advantage of an avocado

1. Super nutritious creamy shakes

Avocado smoothie for weight loss

If we add ripe avocado to our fruit smoothies we will get a much creamier drink without the need to add yogurt or milk.

In addition, we will turn these shakes into very nutritious and satisfying recipes, excellent to have as breakfast or a snack, or before making any important physical or mental effort. We can add half a small avocado per serving.

2. Alternative to butter

The creamy texture of ripe avocado makes it a perfect food to spread on toast and sandwiches and avoid other products such as patés or creamy cheeses, which contain too much salt and harmful fats. We can make sweet or salty avocado creams:

  • Sweet spreadable cream: we can combine the avocado with cocoa, vanilla extract, cinnamon, honey.
  • Salty spreadable cream: we will combine it with garlic, cayenne pepper, black pepper, lemon juice, vinegar, aromatic herbs, sea salt.

3. Ice cream without milk

Although it sounds strange to you, you can include avocado in your homemade ice cream instead of using heavy cream. In this way it will become a much more digestive and healthy treat.

  • We recommend that you try different combinations with fruits such as mango, passion fruit, strawberry or banana, or that you look for other flavors by mixing avocado with vanilla, coconut or cocoa.
  • To prevent it from oxidizing and turning brown,  remember to add a little lemon juice.
  • In addition, you can sweeten it with refined stevia, honey, coconut sugar or agave syrup.

4. Sofrito with the seed

The avocado seed contains 70% of the amino acids present in this fruit, as well as a large amount of soluble fiber. Among its properties, the following stand out:

  • It helps us burn fat.
  • Prevents aging.
  • Regulates the thyroid.
  • Raise your defenses.
  • Prevents coronary diseases.
  • Increase libido.
  • Provides energy and vitality.
  • Calms joint and muscle pain.

We can grate it and take it as an infusion, or add it as a condiment to our salads, juices, smoothies, etc. We can also roast it, grind it and store it in powder for better preservation.

5. Massage for cellulite

With the avocado seed, round in shape and considerable volume, we can also do a gentle but deep massage to improve circulation, eliminate fluids and combat cellulite.

  • We will apply a vegetable oil and we will make circles with the seed, always following an upward movement of medium intensity.

6. Nourishing mask

Avocado and oat milk

Who has not seen a green facial mask? Most likely, that mask has avocado. Thanks to its nutritional values, this food is also excellent for nourishing and repairing the skin.

  • If we apply this mask once a week we will achieve a softer, more flexible, firm and luminous complexion. 

7. Scrub for all skin types

Lastly, we cannot forget about the shell.

  • If we massage the skin with the inner part of the shell, we will achieve a very beneficial exfoliation to eliminate dead cells, thanks to its rough texture.
  • At the same time, we will be adding avocado oils to the skin, which are also present in that part.

In this way, the exfoliation will not dry out the skin, but will soften and deeply hydrate it.

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