Happiness Is Not Sustained By Dreams, But By Realities

To achieve happiness it is more than likely that we have to go through bad times in which we want to leave everything, but only then can we value what we achieve

Dreams are important. They make us excited, inspire us and touch happiness. However, if we really want it to last, we must adjust our gaze a few degrees towards reality.

Many of our wishes just stay there. In soap bubbles that explode when they hit the ground, in mere ideas that never come to life. Perhaps, because we have not reasoned them properly.

Perhaps, we have been carried away by the confidence that intoxicated us at that time.

Dreaming can be appropriate as long as we do not lose perspective. Getting caught up in these universes inhabited by fantasy can help us find motivations and inspirations.

However, we must never lose the north of our perceptual compass. Although the mind is in the clouds, the feet must be on the ground.

If you want to invest in happiness, keep your eyes on reality


One of the figures most critical of daydreaming was Sigmund Freud. In his day he came to maintain that reverie is a childish and neurotic act.

On the other hand, names as relevant as William James, father of functional psychology, pointed out that dreams are positive as long as we do not lose sight of our most logical thoughts.

It’s contradictory, right? Dreams that remain mere thoughts, realities that slap us and pull us back … The key is in balance.

To begin with, it is essential that we take into account some keys that will make us put our feet on the ground, to avoid falling into unrealizable fantasies:

  • Can you get what you set out to do?  Without realizing it, we want to go where we cannot. Not because we don’t want to, but because we don’t have the means to do it.

    Whether it’s money, work or family issues, there are many things that will prevent your wishes from being carried out.

    • Be honest with yourself and check your strengths and weaknesses. You can’t want to be a doctor if just seeing some blood makes you faint. You have to be realistic, see your skills, what you do good and what bad and, from there, move forward.
    • The path is made by walking. If you are anchored in your comfort zone, how do you intend to achieve what you want? You have to get going, make all your actions are aimed at getting what you want.

    If you stand still you won’t get anywhere.

    girl in cage who leaves happiness aside

    It is necessary that we take into account these three points, as they will be fundamental to be able to be successful in the realization of what we want.

    If the first two are clear, you are missing the most important one. Don’t stand still.

    Excessive daydreaming

    This data can be striking and even contradictory. However, in some cases, dreaming too much can lead us to develop a type of psychological disorder.

    • We speak of excessive reverie disorder, a condition where the person loses all contact with reality.
    • This fanciful activity becomes the only activity of this type of patient. They lose interest in what surrounds them and stop taking responsibility for their tasks and obligations.
    • Studies such as that carried out at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, in Israel indicate that although it is not very frequent, this disorder usually appears in people who previously already suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    The wandering mind is unhappy

    woman with crow thinking of happiness

    Often our mind is unable to focus. We get carried away by a thousand ideas. By assumptions, by unattainable desires. Our focus plunges into a thousand possibilities, into strange worlds where we lose sight of the here and now.

    We must be clear about it, the erratic mind is the result of a person who escapes from his reality because he feels unhappy.

    • Happiness is not all lights and colors, but there will also be twilight and dark areas. Because we confuse this term with “being happy.” Something that is impossible, since emotions continually vary.
    • Happiness is nothing more than being in harmony, even if the current does not go in our favor and small eddies happen around us.

    You become unsettled when you start thinking about the impossible and believing that everything comes easily and simply. However, you are wrong.

    The things you want to achieve are achieved through effort and sacrifice. Hours dedicated to you, to train you, to be better at what you do. Get over yourself every day a little more by making mistakes.

    You are not right when you think that every mistake pulls you back, urging you to throw in the towel. This is but an opportunity to redirect your path on the right path.

    Because happiness is not all joy, since positive emotions are present in us, but also negative ones. Both parts have a purpose and it is not precisely not to let you be happy.

    Open your eyes to reality

    blindfolded woman seeking happiness

    We have been blind for a long time. Believing that a failure was a defeat, when we just had to open our eyes and realize that what we had been doing wrong until now.

    Did you give up walking every time you fell when you were little? Did you stop trying despite the scrapes and wounds on your knees?

    As a child you were much more persistent than you are now. That is because you are full of fears and doubts, insecurities and assumptions that are not real.

    Start taking short but confident steps towards what you want to achieve. Be patient, although time passes quickly, it goes much slower than you think.

    Little by little, without giving up, with enthusiasm, encouragement and perseverance, you will realize that happiness is based on realities, not on unrealizable assumptions.

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