5 Formulas To Make Your Own Cleaning Products

By combining natural ingredients with antibacterial and astringent properties, we can make interesting ecological cleaning products to carry out household cleaning tasks.

Today, interest in learning how to make green cleaning products has grown. Despite the fact that the industry has developed dozens of formulas that make housework easier,  many have still chosen to make their own cleaners and disinfectants at home.

Therefore, the need to follow this trend not only responds to caring for the environment. Also, to the prevention of some health problems. Although some may not know it, the chemicals in conventional products are pollutants and can lead to annoying allergic reactions.

Fortunately, there are more and more alternative solutions that allow you to carry out general cleaning without taking risks. So you want to make your own products?

Here we share 5 very interesting formulas.  In this way, you will learn how to make your own cleaning products. Take note!

5 ideas to make your own cleaning products

1. Homemade laundry detergent

We can make a lemon and salt detergent at home in a simple way.

First of all, the ingredients that we combine in this homemade detergent are free of aggressive substances. However, they have astringent and whitening effects that help remove any type of dirt from the garments.


  • 1 bar of natural or neutral soap (200 g)
  • 2 cups of borax (400 g)
  • 2 cups of baking soda (400 g)
  • 20 drops of lemon essential oil
  • Water (as necessary)


  • First, grate the bar of soap and set it aside.
  • Bring a pot of water to boil, then add the grated soap.
  • Lower the heat to low and stir with a wooden spoon.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the borax with the baking soda.
  • Next, mix it with the melted soapy water.
  • Subsequently, add about 7 liters of water and continue stirring.
  • Lastly, add lemon essential oil to give it a scent.
  • Cover it with a bucket and let it rest.
  • Store in empty detergent or water bottles.
  • Finally, please shake it before use.

2. Fabric softener

The best complement for washing clothes are softeners. In addition, due to their properties, they take care of the fabrics and leave a pleasant sensation. Therefore, we combine gentle ingredients that are suitable even for delicate fabrics.


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (15 g)
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)
  • 2 cups of apple cider vinegar (500 ml)
  • 20 drops of lavender oil


  • First, add the baking soda to a large bowl.
  • Add the baking soda and, little by little, the apple cider vinegar.
  • Wait for the effervescent effect to pass and store the product in a bottle.
  • Finally, pour a small amount into the compartment of the washing machine. You can also add it on soaked clothes.

    3. Multipurpose disinfectant

    Multipurpose disinfectant for the kitchen.

    The combination of antiseptic and antifungal ingredients allows us to create a powerful disinfectant to clean the bathroom, kitchen or any surface. In addition, thanks to its properties, it eliminates bacteria, fungi and all kinds of dirt.


    • ½ cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
    • ¼ cup of water (62 ml)
    • 20 drops of tea tree essential oil


    • First, pour the white vinegar into a container and rinse it with water.
    • Then, add the essential tea tree oil and mix it so that it integrates well.
    • Finally, store the product in a spray bottle and spray it on the places you want to clean.

    4. Furniture cleaner

    To remove grime from furniture and restore its natural shine, nothing better than a homemade cleaner with lemon and olive oil. Therefore, these ingredients disinfect the surface and remove dust spots and scratches.


    • ½ cup of lemon juice (125 ml)
    • ¾ cup of olive oil (187 ml)


    • Combine the lemon juice with the olive oil until you get a single product.
    • Spray it on the furniture and polish it with a soft cloth.

    5. Dish soap

    Instead of spending on expensive conventional dishwashers, this gentle formula is worth making. In addition, it is one of the alternative cleaning products that, apart from removing dirt, disinfects and neutralizes bad odors.


    • ½ cup of liquid castile soap (100 g)
    • ½ cup water (125 ml)
    • The juice of a lemon
    • 3 drops of tea tree oil
    • ¼ cup of white vinegar (62 ml)


    • First, add the soap to a bowl and mix it with the water.
    • Add the other ingredients and stir until they are completely integrated.
    • You then pack the product in a soap bottle or box.
    • Finally, use it like any regular dishwasher.

    Bottom line, making your own cleaning products is easy and doesn’t require expensive or hard-to-source ingredients. So, if you want to take care of the environment and avoid health problems, do not hesitate to try them.

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