What To Do When Everything Seems To Be Going Wrong

Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it to regain control of your life. Far from being a sign of weakness, it is a sign of maturity and strength

Sometimes the circumstances of our life present themselves uphill. There are stages that we all go through, in which it seems that we will not be able to overcome a problem or get out of a bad streak. This is when we need to regain control.

If you feel that you are not able to regain the normality you need to be happy, in this article we share some tips that can help you overcome that crisis.

Obstacles are opportunities

A proverb says that “good sailors are not made in calm waters . Although it is difficult to accept, it is necessary, to a certain degree, that difficulties appear in our life.

Adversities serve to measure us, to develop our capacities and learn to improve ourselves. Difficult times are necessary for our full development as people.

Nobody gets rid of them

Who has not suffered a love disappointment, the loss of a loved one, or the failure in some professional or personal activity?

All these impediments or bottlenecks necessarily evaluate us. They serve to measure the pulse, courage, endurance, perseverance and to help us manage our own frustrations.

For this reason, these psychological gyms, if we know how to take advantage of them and we do not have an evasive attitude towards the problem, will give us strength, self-control and the ability to regain control.

6 tips to regain control

1. Evaluate the problem

What we can learn from disappointments in life

It is essential to become aware of an evil in order to find a solution. It is necessary to evaluate and detect the problems that concern us and take us out of the state of tranquility that we need to be happy.

  • To regain control when everything seems to be going wrong, self-criticism will help us diagnose, as if it were a doctor, the disease we suffer from.
  • It is also important not to overestimate the problem and give it only the attention it deserves.

2. Do you have a solution?

There are situations whose solution is not within our reach and that, therefore, exceed us. For such cases we must also learn to manage frustrations and to accept with resignation what we cannot change.

  • A very significant example is grief over the loss of a loved one. The process of returning to normal depends on ourselves, since we cannot do anything to bring the person back.
  • For this reason, if there are things that have no solution, it is better to  accept them with resignation and let go of that emotional burden.

3. Take your responsibility

What can we learn from disappointments in life

We cannot live blaming others for our own failures. Therefore, it is urgent to assume responsibility for the acts. We must understand our own imperfections, mistakes, negligence or oversights and strive to give the best of ourselves in everything we do.

4. Don’t take responsibility for others

Another very common mistake for which we lose part of the control of our life is to assume responsibilities that do not correspond to us. Sometimes, out of fear of saying “no”, we carry the weight of others.

  • It is common for someone to ask us for a favor. However, if we’re going to hurt ourselves with it, maybe it’s time to face it and speak honestly.

We are not better people for always doing the will of others.

5. Seek support from your loved ones

Asking for help does not make us weak. Sometimes we project an image of ourselves of self-sufficiency and arrogance. We want to pretend that we are invulnerable or that everything is perfect. So when we lose control and hit rock bottom, we have a harder time asking for help. Putting pride aside and leaning on a friend or family member can only bring positive things.

They will give you a new perspective, advice that perhaps you did not take into account or perhaps their company and understanding will suffice.

6. Find your emotional stick

Each person puts his vital axis in different places. There are those who cannot live without sports, without family, without partner, without wealth or social status, etc. There is nothing wrong with it, but you have to bear in mind that all these things change. Holding onto them can create pain when we lose them.

For this reason, make sure that, when the things you love change or disappear, you adapt quickly to the new situation. Try to be a little detached with those emotional attachments.

Finally, it is advisable not to rule out the help of a professional if you feel that the situation is overwhelming you.

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