Detox With A Week Of Juices And Broths

You should not starve while cleansing, so you can increase the amounts of food. Remember to chew your food well and eat slowly

It is important to purify our body at least once a year, especially in autumn or spring, to eliminate toxins, improve the functioning of our organs, prevent aging and chronic diseases, balance our weight and ensure well-being and quality of life.

In this article we explain how to do a simple and natural purification for a week, thanks to the benefits of fruits and vegetables in the form of juices and broths.

Preparation of the cleansing cure

To prepare this cleansing cure we must be flexible and adapt to the fruits and vegetables of the season. If they are cold days, we will mostly opt for broths that give us heat, and on the other hand, if they are hotter days, we will prioritize refreshing fruit juices. The two options are purifying and remineralizing, and if we can we will try to combine them.

Ideally, we prepare the juices ourselves with the blender, but if we do not have one, we will opt for organic natural smoothies, which we will find in health food stores and natural product stores. We will make sure that they do not incorporate sugars or other substances that interfere with purification.

apple carrot juice Will Merydith

Elena Martinez Blasco

Degree in Journalism from the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona (2005). He has collaborated with different agencies and media such  as Europa Press and Com Ràdio. She has worked in the publishing sector as a writer, editor, translator and proofreader of books (Edicions 62, Editorial Comanegra, Ara Llibres, Océano Gran Travesía). Graduated in Naturopathy (Natural Medicine) from the Heilpraktiker Institut de Barcelona (2011), specialized in nutrition, flower essences and natural remedies and therapies. He has practiced as a naturopath for centers in Catalonia and also on his own. He has worked in the organic and vegetarian food sector for the Vegetalia company. He has taken a course on Nutrition and Obesity: Overweight Control , offered by the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

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