Homemade Recipe For Meat Or Chicken Patties

Meat or chicken empanadas are a dish that is as simple as it is delicious to prepare. In some parts of the world they are part of the culinary and cultural tradition. However, its origin is somewhat imprecise and there are conflicting versions about it.

Many places have a homemade recipe for meat or chicken dumplings; each house and each region will have a secret, an addition that makes them unique.

Origin of meat or chicken empanadas


There is consensus that the empanada reaches Spain thanks to the Arabs and these, in turn, received it from the Persians. In other words, we are facing a type of food with a lot of history.

An empanada is basically a dough that covers a filling with a stew; This filling can be made in an infinite number of shapes and ingredients. The dough will also have a special way of preparation depending on the people who make it.

There are texts from the year 1520 that already refer to a dumpling stuffed with seafood. From Spain, the empanada became popular.

Its consumption spread to various parts of Europe and, of course, reached America. Many towns around the world have their own version or versions of the empanada.

Among the most famous empanadas are Galician, Chilean and Argentine. There is also a Venezuelan empanada made with precooked corn flour and it is fried. However, the vast majority of empanadas are baked.

How are the meat or chicken empanadas?


Since there are empanadas in many parts of the world, their shape and size also express this diversity. There are large and small; the small ones can be of a size that serves as an aperitif or a snack.
There are other medium-sized ones, which can well serve as breakfast. On the other hand, there are also large ones that can be the size of a large plate.

Some empanadas are round in shape and others are crescent-shaped . For their part, Galician empanadas and those from Portugal are shaped like a large cake. This can be cut and divided into pieces.

The vast majority of empanadas have an onion and garlic base, that is, they are savory dishes. There are also sweet empanadas and others that combine both flavors.

Homemade Galician Chicken Empanada Recipe

tuna pie


  • 1 tomato (40 g).
  • 1 egg (60 grams).
  • 300 grams of chicken.
  • 1 pepper (30 g).
  • 2 onions (300 grams).
  • Garlic, pepper and salt (to taste).

Patty dough


  1. Season the chicken breast and reserve for 20 minutes.
  2. Cut the onions into small squares (brunoisse).
  3. Then chop the garlic cloves and fry them together with the onion in a frying pan with little oil.
  4. Put over medium heat and move every so often so that it does not burn.
  5. While the onion and garlic are sautéing, the red pepper will be cut into small pieces. This will be integrated into the skillet once the onion has become transparent.
  6. The egg must be cooked to be added, chopped, to the stew.
  7. Cut the chicken breasts into small pieces and add them to the sauce with the aforementioned ingredients. Then cut the tomatoes and crush them and incorporate them into the dough.
  8. Divide dough into two parts.
  9. Roll out the first dough and add the ingredients from the pan on top.
  10. Cover with the remaining dough on top.
  11. Finally, seal using a fork.


Have an oven preheated to 220º C and introduce the pie. Bake for 30 minutes (a little less or a little more). You have to be attentive so that the empanada is well done. Remember that the empanada stew is already cooked.

The preparation of the dough is simple and the homemade chicken or meat empanada recipes is very characteristic. And although the empanadas have been modernized, the flavor endures.
On the other hand, the fillings have diversified and there are wonders made not only of chicken or meat. However, it will always be the homemade chicken and meat empanadas, the preferred ones.

If it is decided that the patty will be meat and not chicken, the procedure will be basically the same. The steps should be followed in a similar way; the size of the meat is to the taste of whoever prepares it. You can also use minced meat to taste.

The taste of the house, the taste of the grandmothers, the taste that is passed from generation to generation is unforgettable.
Meat or chicken dumplings are no exception.

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