How To Treat Diarrhea With 6 Herbal Remedies

In addition to stopping diarrhea, these remedies help us prevent dehydration and replace the loss of mineral salts that usually accompanies this condition

When we go through an episode of diarrhea, the body loses fluids and nutrients that are essential for the functioning of all its systems. This problem, which is not a disease but a symptom, produces a decompensation that manifests itself with physical weakness, dizziness and abdominal pain.

For this reason, even if it does not hide a serious condition, it is essential to access certain remedies that help stop it while counteracting the dehydration with which it comes.

In this opportunity we want to share in detail 6 herbal solutions, which can help to overcome liquids and salts and regulate digestion.

1. Thyme infusion

thyme infusion

Thyme is one of the most popular herbs in the catalog of alternative treatments for ailments that affect the digestive system. It is soothing and contains nutrients that help improve health in cases of diarrhea.

Its compounds help to keep the intestinal movement and the digestive process in balance. In addition, it is antimicrobial and prevents certain infections.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of thyme (5 g)


  • First, bring a cup of water to a boil and, when it comes to a boil, add the teaspoon of thyme.
  • Then let it cool for 10 minutes and strain it.

Consumption mode

  • Simply drink a cup of tea when you have diarrhea.
  • If necessary, take it 2 times a day.

2. Fennel infusion

Fennel infusion is a digestive remedy that is considered a good ally to control diarrhea. Its minerals help regulate electrolyte levels and avoid the discomfort derived from dehydration.

It is gentle on the stomach and serves as “food” for healthy bacteria that protect the intestine against infectious agents.


  • 1 tablespoon of grated fennel (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

fennel preparation

  • First, add the fennel to a cup of boiling water and cover the drink.
  • Then let it sit for 10 minutes and filter it through a strainer.

Consumption mode

  • Simply consume 2 or 3 cups of infusion a day, until the diarrhea stops.

3. Cinnamon infusion

Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon has medicinal properties that help control loose stools and colic that are often accompanied. It is anti-inflammatory and does not damage the intestinal lining.


  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First, add the cinnamon powder to a cup of boiling water.
  • Then, let the drink rest until it is ready for consumption.

Consumption mode

  • Simply eat 2 cups of cinnamon infusion a day.
  • Then take it for 3 days in a row.

4. Mint infusion

Peppermint is a digestive tonic that can curb many stomach symptoms. In addition to stopping diarrhea, it balances the bacterial flora and reduces the production of acidic juices.

These properties help to keep the pH of the stomach in balance, avoiding inflammatory problems or recurrent pain.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • A tablespoon of mint leaves (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • First, bring a cup of water to a boil and add the mint leaves.
  • Then, cover the infusion and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Finally, after this time, filter it with a strainer and sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey.

Consumption mode

  • Simply drink up to 3 cups of tea a day to curb diarrhea.

5. Infusion of sage

Sage in infusion.

Sage is an astringent plant that controls the pH of the stomach to facilitate the control of problems such as diarrhea. Its properties relieve inflammation and reduce the physical weakness that occurs due to dehydration.


  • 1 teaspoon of sage leaves (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First, add a teaspoon of sage leaves to a cup of boiling water.
  • Then, let the drink rest for 10 minutes and strain it.

Consumption mode

  • Simply drink the drink when you have diarrhea.
  • Then take it up to 2 times a day.

6. Infusion of birch bark

This herbal remedy slows down the symptoms of diarrhea and superimposes fluids and minerals. Birch’s astringent and anti-inflammatory properties help regulate digestive health.


  • 1 teaspoon of birch bark (5 g)
  • A cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • First, add the birch bark to a cup of boiling water and cover.
  • Then, let it sit for 10 minutes, strain it and sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey.

Consumption mode

  • Simply drink a cup of tea at the first sign of diarrhea.
  • Then repeat its consumption 2 or 3 times a day.

If you have diarrhea and you feel weak, do not hesitate to prepare one of the remedies mentioned here. However, if the problem persists, consult your doctor to determine if another type of treatment is necessary.

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