How To Overcome Your Efforts And Not Give Up

Do not give up you have to take it as a thought before any effort you have to make. If you tell yourself that you can’t take it anymore and allow your breaths to turn into tears of surrender, everything you did yesterday will be of no use.

Every wall knocked down and every achievement achieved in silence. People carry battles on our backs that only we are aware of.

You have given everything for your family, for your children, you have fought every day to give shape to that dream that you had in mind and that not everyone understood. So … why do we usually give up?

Don’t give up: why do we give up?

Lack of support, disappointment, and emotional exhaustion may be the cause of why we choose to sink. Many may see you as a lion, as a being that is capable of everything.

However, at times, that lion yearns to curl up on the corner of a bed and sleep. If this has ever happened to you, we suggest you regain your spirits. Do not forget it and think about not giving up in any situation.

If you give up nothing changes

Surrender is a word that may sound very bad to us, it lacks prestige and is often associated with cowardice. We are not to see it this way. Giving up every once in a while is normal and even expected. Above all, because, sometimes, whoever surrenders does so to assume evidence before which nothing can be done.

lion with butterfly, don't give up

  • Giving up will always be acceptable if with it we assume a reality to be more competent in our life, to become aware of something that was not for us.
  • Now, on the opposite side is, without a doubt, that surrender that occurs from the broken heart, from the fragmented mind that no longer has the strength or hope to face a concrete fact.

If we see ourselves as incapable of sustaining this personal battle, we must realize that nothing is going to change.

  • That we will stay in exactly the same place and without being able to advance in our well-being or in that achievement that means so much to us.

If you give up at any given moment, assess what consequences the act of “leaving everything” may have.

A momentary surrender to prepare for battle

Let’s say we have given up. That we feel saturated in our work and that we tell ourselves “that we will never get promoted.”

  • We give up on our children, we think that they will never pass the course because they are unable to focus, be more responsible and take advantage of their study hours.
  • Sometimes a momentary surrender allows us to take perspectives and see things more calmly, with less pressure.
  • When you give up, you go through a period of inner calm in which, suddenly, almost without knowing how, you gather your strength again. New ideas, better strategies and renewed illusions appear.

    It is worth bearing in mind that, to achieve a purpose, we need the maximum of ourselves. Therefore, factors such as pressure and high anxiety act as real enemies. Keep calm and you will see how the lion walks again.

    lion representing when you give up and fight

    The final victory is achieved with daily triumphs: do not give up

    The winner is a dreamer who never gives up. To achieve an end it is necessary to dream it, design plans, and wrap each desire with motivation.

    • One aspect that we should also take into account is that the final triumph is achieved by achieving many daily triumphs.
    • Sometimes we do not see them, because we focus only on a long-term goal, without seeing the daily changes that we are promoting.

      Not giving up requires a good attitude, confidence, and / or good self-esteem. And, above all, to be able to see that this personal struggle has a meaning. In addition to a purpose for which it is worth investing time and emotions.

      So remember that sometimes those around us can be an invaluable help. Or, on the contrary, to be that stone on the road capable of taking our spirits away. Take care of whoever is closest to your heart and, above all, follow your instincts, your inner voice.

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