Learn To Listen To Your Body

Many illnesses are the result or the direct consequence of an accumulation of repressed emotions during certain time. We have learned to live permanently alert, which, on many occasions, prevents us from becoming truly aware of what our body is trying to say.

We must learn to listen to it, because in it there are answers to several of our concerns and regrets, to the pains, to the thoughts that worry us or to the healing processes that we are not attending to.

Relationship between body and mind

It is said that our digestive system is our second brain, it acts independently of the brain of the head. Experts such as those of the US Department of Health and Human Services have reached conclusions showing that approximately 95% of the serotonin that we have in our body is produced in collaboration with the digestive system.

Each individual must develop their way of tuning in to their bodily needs, since the sensations are so diverse and complex that it would be quite simplistic, and even somewhat innocent, to try to make a list of them.


Where do we start?

It is advisable to do it for the simple things. For example, if you are tired, rest. Sometimes we self-submit to routines that tend to exceed our disposition of time, which plunges us into cycles that end in extreme fatigue.

Now, there are other issues in daily chores that we cannot ignore, but if we regulate and in turn, invite us to be a little more aware of the use of our time. When you have to go to the bathroom, go; If you feel the need to cry, then do it. It is important to note your reactions to these scenarios, as well as the speed of your breathing and the rhythm of your heart.

To mention something else, as you read this, your breathing becomes faster or slower. At other times, reading about gastrointestinal problems or the menstrual cycle … Does it make you feel something special?

We must allow ourselves to understand how our body feels and listen to it.

Some philosophies, such as Taoist, Zen or Buddhist, have tried to focus on listening to the consciousness and the body, that is why they tend to fast frequently, in this way, the body produces other sounds different from those it usually does. produce after eating food.

So it can be highlighted that after many years of evolution, we have increasingly detached ourselves from our sensations and our bodily needs. We know that the modern pace of life is a bit fast-paced and tends to be a bit stressful for some people.

The latter could help us internalize that understanding comes just after having allowed ourselves to experience what it feels like. This process occurs both in the body and in the intellect, so the fact that we allow each sensation to manifest itself is especially relevant.


Once you have started experiencing anxiety or any other negative feelings, the future tends to become a little more complex to understand.

A study carried out at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain in 2018, described the levels of depression in a sample of participants and showed how depression affected their bodies, sometimes paralyzing them for seconds, even minutes in the middle of episodes of anxiety and depression. .

For the above, if you have gone through a similar episode, it is recommended to close your eyes for a few minutes, inhale and exhale between 3 and 5 times, if possible, find a quiet place without noise. Take a moment to review what happened in the last few hours or days. Surely this can give you a clue as to what has triggered certain symptoms.

Visit this article: Negative effects of a bad rest

The Basic Pillar of Healing

Our sensations and emotions help us to live a little more consciously, also to participate more responsibly in our experiences, while we can learn to trust “that” that our body tells us on many occasions. .

Sometimes we put off what really matters, such as attending to pain caused by our own emotions. In this way, our body speaks louder and louder to attract attention, which can have negative consequences for our health.

Sadness and pain, our great allies

We have learned that we should always be encouraged and feel good about the ups and downs of life. However, we have not managed to understand that what is truly important is feeling.

We must not dismiss, belittle or underestimate our sadness, as they are two great teachers that nature has arranged to help us walk through life, therefore, to understand it better.

Denying or not attending to these emotions is a cultural issue that has been imposed on us over the years. For example, we were not taught that we have an innate ability to cope with pain, and that our body knows how to do it.

In fact, crying is one more way to channel our energy and understand our body, that is why we must not hold back.

Suppress our emotions

We repress the full expression of our emotions through taking medications or even playing sports. When we perform these tasks, we produce enkephalins – these hormones suppress our tears, preventing us from channeling our feelings.

To get an idea of ​​this, tears of joy and tears of sadness differ in their composition and in the hormones that cause them, as well as in their purpose. For this reason it is very important to let them sprout if our body asks us to.

On many occasions we manage to see too late what we could have done or how we should have behaved at a certain moment.

Read also: How to fight sadness in a natural way

The pain that ends the pain

We believe that a life full of effort and sacrifice is a more honorable life than a life full of joy. Said like that it sounds very harsh, which makes us reflect on the pressure to which we put ourselves.

To achieve this, it is necessary to lighten our emotional load and give way to a new attitude that helps us generate healthier feelings.

In other words, the important thing is not to run away from what happens in our body and to be able to solve what we have tried to keep asleep for so long.

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