7 Effective Home Solutions For Nosebleeds

Although these remedies can help us to stop specific nosebleeds, if they occur very frequently we should consult a doctor to obtain an accurate diagnosis

Nosebleeds, known in medical terms as epistaxis , are a common problem that, although it does not usually occur due to something serious, can be alarming for those who suffer from it.

The nose is full of small blood vessels and, since it is a very sensitive area, these tend to be easily disturbed.

The symptom appears spontaneously, even at inopportune times, almost always when the mucous membrane becomes dry and hard.

It is also quite common in patients undergoing anticoagulant treatments and the elderly, whose blood usually takes longer to clot.

In fact, some experience it as a reaction to irritating chemicals, excess heat, and continuous sneezing.

Luckily, it is a condition that can be easily controlled, thanks to a series of natural ingredients that are available to everyone.

This time we want to share 7 interesting solutions for you to use the next time it affects you.

1. Cold compress for nosebleeds

Applying a cold compress is one of the most effective solutions to stop nosebleeds.

The cold stimulates the contraction of blood vessels and helps to slow down the flow to prevent further shedding.

What should you do?

  • First, wrap a few ice cubes in a soft cloth and apply it to the bridge of your nose.
  • Let it act for 5 or 10 minutes and repeat it if you consider it necessary.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an organic product that can help us stop nosebleeds in a matter of seconds.

Its application helps to seal the wall of the affected blood vessel, which considerably reduces bleeding.

What should you do?

  • Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it carefully to the nostril.
  • Leave it for 8-10 minutes for the bleeding to stop completely.
  • Repeat this every time this symptom bothers you.

3. Onion

garlic-onion juice

The sulfur compounds in the onion are ideal for stopping the flow produced by the breaking of a blood vessel in the nose.

The natural gases it emits help stimulate cell repair while clotting the blood.

What should you do?

  • First, cut a piece of onion and bring it to the affected nostril to inhale its vapors.
  • You can also apply one or two drops of freshly squeezed natural onion juice.

4. Nettle

Nettle is a natural remedy with many benefits for the control of nosebleeds.

It has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties that facilitate clotting and stopping the flow of blood.

In addition, it is ideal for strengthening capillaries and avoiding continuous respiratory allergies.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of nettle (10 g)

What should you do?

  • Heat the water and, once it comes to a boil, add the nettle and inhale its vapors for a few minutes.
  • Another option is to prepare a little nettle leaf juice and place two or three drops in the affected fossa.

5. Vaseline

Vaseline is an excellent ally to prevent nosebleeds during dry months or with sudden changes in weather.

Its direct application helps to maintain the natural lubrication of the nostrils, thus preventing the breakage of their blood vessels.

How to use it?

  • Take a small amount of petroleum jelly and apply it to the inside of your nose with a gentle massage.
  • Avoid using too much, because it should not be inhaled or ingested.

6. Lemon juice

The application of lemon juice inside the affected nostril decreases blood flow and accelerates the recovery of the irritated area.  

How to use?

  • Put two or three drops of lemon on the bleeding nose and tilt your head back for a few seconds.
  • Repeat it if you consider it necessary.

7. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper has properties that stimulate cell activity and control blood flow pressure.

Drinking its tea is a good solution for those who have recurring nosebleeds that are difficult to control.

Its properties decrease bleeding and accelerate the clotting process.


  • 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

What should you do?

  • First, add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper to a cup of hot water, wait for it to stand, and consume it.
  • You can also buy cayenne in capsules and eat it three times a day.
  • Of course, it is also convenient to add it in drinks and recipes.

Keep in mind that, although these remedies help stop nosebleeds, it is essential to consult your doctor when they recur.

Although they are not usually an indication of serious diseases, in minimal cases they can be the sign of pathologies such as leukemia or other blood disorders.

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