4 Home Remedies To Eliminate Fleas

According to popular wisdom, there are some home remedies to eliminate fleas that could be useful when it comes to disinfecting the home and taking care of the health of your pet.

These insects feed on blood and lodge in the places where they think they will live best. The hair of animals make them the ideal home for parasites. The fur becomes their shelter, as well as the perfect place to lay their eggs.

Once they are detected it is important to eliminate the fleas. To do this, the first thing we must do is acquire and apply to our pet a product suitable for this type of infestation. They usually come in a shampoo format, so they are very easy to apply.

Home remedies to eliminate fleas

While giving the pet a good bath with the flea product, it would be advisable to start organizing the disinfection of the home. You should start with the place where the pet sleeps (or where it spends more time) and then the areas where it usually is.

If you have had contact with various textiles (rugs, blankets, towels, cushions and others), they should be washed with hot water and anti-flea products or the home remedies that we are going to discuss in the next few lines.

1. Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar is part of the home remedies to eliminate fleas


  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar (30 ml).
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).

Preparation and application

  • Bring the water to a boil in a pot.
  • When it reaches its boiling point, turn off the heat and wait 1 minute.
  • Pour the vinegar into the pot.
  • Wash the blankets with this mixture and your common detergent.

Never apply this mixture on your pet, as it could irritate their skin and cause problems. 

2. Lemon water to eliminate fleas

lemon water is part of the home remedies to eliminate fleas

Another of the home remedies to eliminate fleas is lemon water, because the smell of lemon drives away fleas. Although veterinarians do not recommend using it because it can cause irritations, there are those who use it to disinfect the floor of the site where the pet is normally.


  • Lemon juice.
  • Water.

Preparation and application

  • Extract the lemon juice.
  • Mix it with water.
  • Used to scrub the floor where the pet is usually.
  • Let it dry.
  • Scrub the floor again with water and the usual cleaning products.

You can cut a lemon and place it near the place where your pet rests so that the smell repels fleas. 

3. Wormwood at home

wormwood infusion

This is the best option when you do not want to disturb the animal, since it is enough to place the absinthe plant in the house. The key is that its smell helps us eliminate fleas. This repels insects, so they will be the ones who will leave.

To achieve this, you can choose to grow them at home or buy infusions and place them in the places most traveled by your pet.

4. Thyme oil

The-antiparasitic-properties-of thyme

Although it has a strong odor, according to popular wisdom , thyme oil can help rid your pet of fleas.


  • 3 bunches of thyme.


  • Mortar.
  • Strainer.
  • Sterile gauze.
  • Container with dropper.

Preparation and application

  • Strip the thyme.
  • Wash the leaves well with water and dry them.
  • Put them in the mortar to release the fat.
  • When you notice that you have already extracted all the oil, use the strainer to separate the leaves from the juice.
  • Pour the oil into the container.
  • Apply the thyme oil with the help of a sterile gauze or cotton in the most conflictive places.

With these home remedies it can be very easy to remove fleas from the home. In addition, you will avoid infestations in the future. But keep in mind that it is not recommended that most apply them directly to your pet, as this could irritate and hurt their skin.

If you have any questions about it, remember that you can always consult with a trusted veterinarian, even by phone. 

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