5 Plaque Removers That Really Work

Combining regular visits to the dentist with correct oral hygiene habits would be essential to help combat problems such as plaque.

The mouth is a perfect place for bacteria. In fact, as you read this, about 600 species of microorganisms are clinging to the surface of your teeth and forming plaque.

If you want to know how to combat them, here are 5 plaque removers that really work.

1. The right brush against plaque

The first line of defense against oral problems is brushing your teeth.

According to a study published by the Venezuelan Dental Act, the importance of this good habit would be essential to avoid the accumulation of plaque. Therefore, experts insist that it is necessary to brush at least twice a day for a minimum of 2 minutes and, in addition, it is advisable to use fluoride toothpaste and a soft bristle brush; paying special attention to all surfaces of the teeth and tongue.

As long as proper brushing techniques are used, it would not matter whether a manual or electric toothbrush is used. On the other hand, it is convenient that the bristles are short and vertical, but remembering not to apply too much pressure during cleaning.


When you’re done, rinse your toothbrush, shake, and let it dry completely.

2. The dental floss

Plaque is usually hidden between the teeth and, even if we do a meticulous brushing, there are times when it cannot be completely removed. This is where flossing comes in.

Experts recommend flossing at least once a day. Wrap it around the index fingers to get them clean, insisting on the inside as well.

3. The mouthwash


There is another important step in your daily fight against plaque; antimicrobial rinse. After brushing and flossing, a good mouthwash can help you thoroughly disinfect your mouth.

Some mouthwashes contain plaque fighters like:

  • Fluoride.
  • Chlorhexidine gluconate.
  • Zinc citrate.
  • Triclosan.

Prescription products are usually more powerful. However, it is noted that many mouthwashes are high in alcohol, as demonstrated in this article published by the Open Journal Systems . So, especially if you have children, it is best to get totally natural rinses.

Look for products with peppermint oil, tea tree oil, or grapefruit seed extract. However, experts warn that in the case of peppermint oil, it is convenient to moderate its use since in high amounts it would be toxic.

4. The right diet to fight plaque

Some foods, if consumed frequently, are detrimental to our health in general: soda, chocolate bars, muffins … And, although other foods can be beneficial for the body, the truth is that they would not be so much for the mouth.

Dark-colored fruits, for example, can cause plaque and tooth stains to increase due to their high sugar and acid content (although it can be said that natural sugar is much less harmful than refined sugar).

Vegetables, however, are suitable for the body. These are low in sugar and acid, so they won’t cause plaque or staining. In addition, a study carried out by several researchers from the Jorge Basadre National University concluded that, if these were crunchy, the movement when chewing makes the teeth “brush” on their own, producing useful saliva.

5. Visit the dentist twice a year

To get the most out of your brushing, flossing, and rinsing habits; It would be essential to visit or consult the dentist at least twice a year.

Beyond a thorough cleaning, your dentist will identify problem spots and can adequately treat gingivitis, cavities or various gum diseases. Also, if you are particularly prone to plaque build-up, your dentist may also apply a thin layer of sealant to the chewing surfaces of your teeth.

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