6 Natural Hair Oils

There are many reasons why hair becomes weak and damaged: the heat of the dryer, the styling tools, the weather conditions and the chemical treatments. In this way, when the hair is damaged, it looks dull, frizzy, very thin, but above all fragile.

Many times, to repair hair, we do not have to buy expensive products. Just look for homemade alternatives. Therefore, here we bring you some natural oils for hair. You dare?

Avocado oil

Avocado oil is high in nutrients, essential fatty acids and amino acids, as well as vitamins A, B, D and E. These vitamins they have an antioxidant power and participate in the production of collagen.

By promoting the generation of collagen, Helps strengthen hair and revitalize its natural shine. Therefore, it is excellent to use as a natural softener and, in addition, it is ideal in hydration treatments.


  • Use it as a mask by applying it to the hair and leaving it to act for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash afterwards with the usual shampoo and rinse so that hair is soft and nourished.

Castor oil

castor oil

In addition to the health benefits as a food ingredient proclaimed for centuries, olive oil has gained popularity in recent years as a cosmetic use for hair. Such is its popularity that it has become known as the “godmother” of natural hair oils.

The reason? Thanks to its high content of oleic acid, tocopherols and phenolic compounds and the good penetration into the hair that this content favors, it provides the following attributes:

  • Smoothness.
  • Elasticity.
  • Brightness.
  • Hydration, as it favors water retention.
  • Strengthening, as it nourishes the deepest part of the hair.
  • Regeneration.

As the scalp receives more moisture and removes dead cells, it can be a good ally in the treatment of dandruff. Also, keep in mind that its natural peroxide content will help lighten hair if used consistently.

All the aforementioned benefits will be enhanced with the use of an extra virgin oil due to its high content of active compounds.


  • As it is an oil that penetrates the hair follicle, it is best to apply it to dry hair before washing it. If the hair is wet, the water that has penetrated could hinder the absorption of the oil.
  • Oil penetrates better with heat. So, put half a cup of olive oil and heat it for 20 to 30 seconds in the microwave. Check that it is not too hot.
  • Spray hair with olive oil from root to tip. If you prefer, you can use a paintbrush or brush to spread the oil more easily. If you have oily hair, it is recommended not to apply it to the scalp area to avoid excessive production of sebum.
  • Massage the scalp to stimulate circulation and thus strengthen the hair follicles for about 5 minutes.
  • Cover the hair with a hot towel for about 10 minutes and wash the hair in the usual way.

In general, this procedure is repeated once a week. However, in case of dry hair, you can increase its application until you notice it more nourished.

Rosemary oil


Almond oil has a number of nutrients – healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals – that help keep hair looking healthy and strong. It acts as a sealer, that is, it forms a protective layer on the hair strand that allows it to retain moisture and prevent the loss of hydration in it.

Thus, it protects and hydrates the hair fibers and eliminates the accumulation of dead cells.

Thanks to its many properties, it favors the following actions:

  • Stimulate and cause growth.
  • Provide shine and softness.
  • Avoid, to a large extent, hair loss.
  • Moisturize and nourish the hair.
  • Smooth the cuticle and control the flaking of the hair.
  • Restore hair fibers and split ends.
  • Reduce dandruff and the typical itchiness that it brings with it.

It is one of the most popular natural hair oils, since it is light and easy to spread. Added to this, it is quickly absorbed, so it does not leave the hair feeling sticky or greasy.


There are several ways of application. Each of these treatments focuses on solving a specific problem. In general, it is applied to the hair with a massage, insisting on the ends and the middle. It is allowed to act for about 20 minutes, covering the hair with a towel or a plastic cap. After that time, wash it off with the usual shampoo.

Like the rest of the oils, it is recommended to use it once a week or two if the hair is very dry.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil

It is an extract that is extracted from the nuts of an African tree of the same name, which means “butter tree”.

Although it is not an oil, it is an excellent solution to achieve healthy hair, especially if it is dry and dull, since butter restores all the vitality it lacks.

Its properties favor hydration: its main virtue. Also, being rich in vitamins A, D, E and F, it becomes ideal for nourishing the hair. Thanks to these two properties, moisturizing and nourishing, shea butter favors protection against the effects of the environment: wind, cold, sun, pollution, etc.

Because of the extreme softness it provides, it is considered the best natural conditioner available. Hence, it is known as “Mother Nature’s Conditioner.”

It’s great for curly hair that is naturally drier than other hair types. In fact, it is frequently found in curly hair treatments due to its moisturizing qualities.


There are many ways to use shea butter on your hair. If you are looking for a moisturizing action, the most recommended is:

  • Apply to damp hair before going to bed, preferably from medium to ends. You do not need to use too much product because it will be difficult to rinse it later.
  • Let it sit overnight until the next morning. The butter will work overnight, and the hair will absorb the keratin.
  • When you wake up, rinse and remove the butter. You will probably have to repeat the wash several times.

And you, do you use natural hair oils? Which one of them? Does it work for you?

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