Keys To Eliminate Acne Naturally

Although diet is not the only thing that influences the appearance of pimples and blackheads, it is true that eating a healthy and balanced diet can contribute greatly to the health of the skin.

Regarding the benefits that a healthy diet can bring, below we will discuss some of the keys that could help you eliminate acne naturally.

Acne is one of the most common and uncomfortable skin conditions. Not so much because it causes the appearance of pimples, but because of the appearance it gives to the skin and the emotional discomfort that this can generate.

No single cause has been identified, so it is a complex disease. On the other hand, depending on the skin type of each person, the approach must be carried out in one way or another. Hence, in part, the importance of going to the dermatologist and following his instructions.

However, there are some common guidelines that can be applied to mitigate acne breakouts and improve the appearance of the skin to some extent. One of these guidelines is to eat a good diet.

Although it is true that diet is not the only factor that influences the appearance of acne, there is evidence that, when it is healthy, it contributes to the health of the skin and, therefore, helps to improve the outbreak and the General aspect.

Key 1: minimize the consumption of certain foods

Junk “food”, ultra-processed foods, beverages and industrial edibles contain excess salt, sugar and other substances that are not beneficial to the body in the long term. Therefore, including them regularly in the diet is harmful, even in dermatological terms.

On the other hand, butter, margarine, fried foods, cold cuts, and high-fat dairy products are foods that should be eaten in moderation.

To maintain the health of the skin and mitigate acne – while following the treatment prescribed by the dermatologist – it is advisable to eat a balanced diet, which includes a good amount of fruits and vegetables.

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Of course, to eliminate acne naturally, it will not be enough just to take care of your diet. It will be necessary to follow the dermatologist’s treatment and implement certain measures, such as a good cleaning and hydration routine.

It should be noted that the relationship between diet and acne is controversial. This is stated in this study by the Advances in Dermatology and Allergology / Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii. Therefore, it is difficult to comment on the final consensus on this issue. In addition, new research continues to be published that analyzes the contributions of food to skin health and other related aspects.

2nd key: follow the dermatological treatment

Once you have visited the dermatologist, it is important that you follow their guidelines in order to improve the appearance of your skin. It is not recommended that you try to combine treatments or supplement any with natural remedies without first consulting with the professional.

Remember that, although it may seem like a “simple” matter, the professional has the criteria, the knowledge and the right tools to give your skin the type of care it needs. Therefore, trust what it tells you.

3rd key: hydrate and take care of your skin

It is not recommended that you wash your face with any soap or too many times a day, as this can excessively dry out the skin and expose it even more to suffer from different problems: redness, tightness, blemishes, etc.

It is recommended that you go to the dermatologist and consult with him which cleansing soap to use and other aspects related to cleaning to avoid these types of problems. In addition, it is advisable that you consult about the use of masks (both clay and other products).

On the other hand, you must bear in mind that the use of natural elements could interfere with the skin treatment already prescribed. Do not perform any type of exfoliation or home treatment on your own if you have not received instructions from a specialist before.

4th key: maintain good hydration

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To keep the skin well cared for, it is essential to drink a lot of water. This is good for cleaning the body well and keeping the skin hydrated.

  • We should drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day.
  • If we find it difficult to drink water, we can add a little lemon juice, or consume fruits that contain a lot of liquid.
  • We can also take advantage of the occasion and drink herbal teas.

Take care of your skin daily to alleviate acne

Eliminating acne naturally is not a matter that can be achieved overnight by practicing a single measure. It is a process that goes in stages and depends on several factors.

As we have mentioned, it is important that you have a good beauty and care routine, that you eat a good diet and maintain adequate hydration in order to have healthy skin. For the rest, it will always be essential to follow the keys that the dermatologist tells you. 

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