Is It Good To Drink Sparkling Water Every Day?

Sparkling water is often used as a substitute for soft drinks or even alcoholic beverages. There are those who do not like to consume mineral water as such and drinking sparkling water is a good remedy to stay properly hydrated.

However, many people wonder if consuming sparkling water on a daily basis can have any negative health consequences. We are going to explain the consequences of this habit and in what situations you should avoid its consumption.

Sparkling water helps hydration

Drinking sparkling water is an effective way to keep the body hydrated and in optimal working order. You must remember that a state of dehydration can be fatal, according to an article published by Nutrients magazine .

Water is essential to carry out cellular homeostasis, regulate temperature and guarantee correct blood circulation. In this context, consuming sparkling water is totally valid when it comes to guaranteeing a correct state of hydration. However, it is recommended to combine it with still mineral water.

Despite being a highly refreshing drink, the food should not be accompanied with more than two glasses of it. If you feel more need to drink, you should opt for still mineral water.

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May cause gastric discomfort

In the section of the disadvantages, we find that sparkling water can hinder the digestion of those prone, for example, to suffer from flatulence. Including gas exogenously in the digestive process can slow it down. Therefore, stomach or intestinal discomfort is more likely to arise that makes it difficult to carry out daily tasks.

There are certain people for whom the consumption of this liquid is discouraged. An example are those individuals who suffer from hiatal hernia or frequent reflux. Other candidates for restricting this product in their diet are irritable bowel patients, according to an article published in the journal BMC Gastroenterology .

Be careful with its sodium content

In the market we can find several types of sparkling water. We must pay attention to the labeling and especially in the amount of sodium they contain. An excessive intake of this mineral could increase blood pressure, which would have a negative impact on cardiovascular health.

On the other hand, we should not confuse sparkling water with soda. The latter product contains sugar and is therefore strongly discouraged. It falls within the group of sugary soft drinks and its consumption must be done sporadically.

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Use as a strategy to consume less soft drinks

When addressing the diet of an individual accustomed to the consumption of sugary soft drinks, including sparkling water can help solve this problem. In this way, the consumption of one drink can be substituted for another, since at the organoleptic level they present certain similarities.

It must be remembered that the regular consumption of soft drinks is totally counterproductive for health. This is due to its high sugar and additive content. For this reason, reducing its intake is a recommended option when it comes to preventing the development of diseases in the medium and long term.

Drink sparkling water, but in moderation

Sparkling water is a refreshing drink that has a place in a healthy diet. However, it should be consumed in moderation to avoid possible gastric problems associated with its consumption.

In addition, there are certain groups that have restricted the intake of this substance. Patients with gastrointestinal pathologies, among others, should avoid the consumption of carbonated beverages, among which is this one.

However, in the rest of the individuals, especially in those who are used to consuming soft drinks, drinking sparkling water can have several benefits. In spite of everything, you should not neglect reading the nutritional labels. Choosing a product that is low in sodium will help prevent health problems in future stages.

Lastly, remember that sparkling water is not the same as soda. This last product has sugar in its composition. For this reason, it is not included within those recommended and it is necessary to limit its consumption.

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