3 Beneficial Fennel Infusions To Lose Weight

Fennel has long been considered a traditional remedy for treating a wide variety of conditions. However, it is used primarily as a digestive and weight loss aid. We can’t forget to get off Weight requires lifestyle changes, including regular exercise.

By helping you digest and assimilate nutrients more efficiently, fennel tea can fit into a comprehensive weight loss plan. Hence, we want to present you on this occasion, these 3 beneficial fennel infusions.

Fennel characteristics

Native to the Mediterranean region, fennel is an aromatic plant with feathery leaves. Your seed:

  • helps cleanse the blood.
  • take care of heart and kidney health.
  • balances hormones.
  • It is used to treat respiratory problems.
  • reduces bad breath.
  • acts as an antibacterial in the mouth.

1. Fennel seed infusion

fennel seeds

The infusion of fennel seeds is one of the most common ways to take advantage of the benefits of this plant to lose weight. Studies carried out in rats show this property, although research in humans is necessary to confirm it. Its consumption helps prolong the feeling of satiety and, in addition, improves digestion. 


  • 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds (10 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).


  • Crush the fennel seeds in a mortar to release their oil.
  • Scoop out the seeds with a teaspoon, place them in a tea ball or strainer, and pour the cup of boiling water over them.
  • Allow the seeds to steep in the boiling water for 7-10 minutes.
  • Remove the tea ball and add some more hot water.

2. Tea with fresh fennel leaves



  • 1 cup of fresh fennel leaves (60 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).


  • Cut or remove fresh greens from the bulb and rinse well.
  • Place the leaves in a sturdy cup or container.
  • Carefully pour in the boiling water.
  • Let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • Remove the leaves and recharge with a little more hot water.

3. Tea made from the fennel bulb


  • 2 bulbs of fresh fennel (500 g).
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml).


  • Wash the bulbs well.
  • Cut into smaller pieces and add to a tea strainer.
  • Pour boiling water over the top and press for 15-20 minutes.
  • Remove the strainer and add a little more hot water.

Health benefits of these infusions

Regular consumption of fennel infusions can have a number of positive health effects.

Improves women’s health

The volatile fennel oils have estrogen-like qualities, which is why they have been used in Chinese medicine to treat hormonal problems.

  • This plant is also used to increase libido and stimulate milk production and flow in lactating women.
  • Thanks to its ability to stimulate estrogen production, it relieves premenstrual syndrome , menstrual cramps, and menopausal symptoms. This is evidenced by a study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
  • Due to the presence of anethole, the main component of fennel oil, its tea has been used for years. Midwives have used it as a tonic to protect the female reproductive system. And so they are marketed in herbalists.

Promotes digestive health


Thanks to its antispasmodic properties, this plant can help relax the digestive tract and relieve cramps and Gase s, and to treat irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Its supply of estrogens inhibits muscle spasms, which makes the digestion of food easier. It even relieves hiccups.
  • Fennel tea reduces acid levels in the stomach and eliminates worms and bacteria from the intestines.
  • Fennel is used to treat heartburn: Drinking a cup of tea or chewing fennel seeds when indigestion symptoms begin to help relieve pain and burning sensation.
  • There is research showing that its effects are enhanced when consumed with turmeric.

Burns fat

Fennel tea helps reduce water retention, making it one of the best infusions when it comes to losing weight. It also speeds up the metabolism, which allows you to burn fat more quickly, reduces cellulite and regulates appetite.

Improves the immune system

To feel healthy, we need a strong immune system that helps fight the development of possible diseases.

An infusion of fennel helps prevent the appearance of cold symptoms.

  • This wonderful tea helps reduce fever and relieve sore throats.
  • By eliminating congestion and excess phlegm and cough, it makes it very effective in treating most diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as asthma and bronchitis.

Strengthens the heart

Fennel tea is a wonderful source of vitamins and antioxidants that can help keep your heart healthy. Its antioxidants, vitamins, as well as the cleansing action mentioned above, help regulate cholesterol. And, therefore, it helps reduce the chances of suffering from hypertension.

Heals respiratory problems

But, we insist on fennel’s ability to fight respiratory problems, from simple colds to asthma.

  • It can also help with upper respiratory infections thanks to its antimicrobial properties.
  • It can also be used to treat problems such as angina and high blood pressure.

Side effects

  • It can cause allergy if you are allergic to carrots or celery. In this sense, it should be remembered that fennel comes from the same family. As it is, it is likely that fennel tea can cause an allergic reaction.

We must take into account symptoms such as itching, hives or swelling of the skin. If this happens, we will stop drinking this tea and consult with our doctor.

  • It can harm the fetus. It is best not to drink too much of this infusion if you are pregnant, as it can become toxic and travel through the placenta and damage the developing endocrine system of the fetus.

    Introduce fennel infusions into your routines

    Have you already tried these fennel infusions to lose weight? As you can see, they are very easy to prepare and have important benefits for the body. Do not stop including them in your diet!

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