Childhood Vaccination: Questions And Answers

As parents, childhood vaccination can be a subject full of doubt and uncertainty. Having a child is taking responsibility for their well-being. Therefore, we must ensure that your health is fine. Due to the diseases that affect us as humanity, medicine allows vaccination to avoid a large number of illnesses to the body.

Our children, from a very young age, begin to run and play in unhygienic areas. They are prone to contracting any bacteria  and, with this, a new disease could be created in the body.

As it is better to be safe than sorry, you have to know everything you need about childhood vaccination. In this way, you can prevent all kinds of ailments in your child and share better moments.

What You Should Know About Childhood Vaccination

There are many questions about childhood vaccination that will be answered below. If you are in doubt about when to vaccinate your child, the World Health Organization (WHO) offers a calendar for the first vaccinations. Similarly, health centers in your country may also offer you one. In this way, you can keep track of your little one.

If you have thought about going on a trip with your family, it is important that you consider the vaccines that you must have to go to that destination. To do this, you can visit the country’s website and verify what vaccine is needed and where it would be easy to do it.

The Ministry of Health in your country may also be able to help you. You can consult any questions you have in that place. You could even sign up for social services for your community and help others. Thus, you will learn even more about childhood vaccination and all that it entails.

1. What are the ages to vaccinate children?

The age for children to be vaccinated would be 2 months to 6 years. Most of the vaccines are given in the first months of birth, in this way, it is avoided that the little ones can contract any disease over time.

In the case of adolescents, they are put between 12 and 14 years old. At this age, a second or third dose is injected to boost the vaccine. Some of these are meningococcal C, DTPa, chickenpox, and human papilloma.

2. What are the most important vaccines?

The most important vaccines are those that must be received during the first months of life. Among them is that of Hepatitis B and DTPa, since the first prevents this disease, liver cancer and cirrhosis. The second prevents diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.

Another of the most important is the triple virus (SRP). It is a blend of three components to combat measles, mumps and rubella. Its application tends to be in the first year of life, so do not forget to write it down for the control of your baby.

3. Do vaccines have adverse reactions?

Yes, vaccines can have adverse reactions, but they are unlikely to occur. If the vaccine is expired or the vaccination center is not clean, you could have a fever or the transmission of an infection.

One of the most common side effects after getting a shot from the vaccine is mild pain and swelling in your child  . These effects wear off in a short time, so, during that moment, accompany your little one and fill him with love.

4 What happens if childhood vaccination is not carried out?

Child vaccination is a primary health issue. However, it is not mandatory. The WHO has limited that, by not being vaccinated, the risks that an infected or poorly applied vaccine can produce can be avoided.

On the other hand, by not getting vaccinated, you can create an easy entry for diseases like Hepatitis B, Meningococcus, smallpox, and more. In this way, it will be easy for your child to have allergies, infections and other symptoms that can lead to mortality.

5. Is it possible for the child to get sick even with the vaccine?

That’s right, since the role of the vaccine is to prevent disease . With its application, consequences that bring certain viruses to human beings are avoided. Therefore, you do not have to doubt the protection provided by childhood vaccination.

As far as childhood vaccination is concerned …

The whole family should be vaccinated

As a mother, the main function is to take care of the child with all the affection. If vaccinating him leads to protecting his health, it is good that you teach him the importance of each of the injections. For that, you can continue to inform us on the subject, as well as with expert doctors in the area.

We want to remind you that not only children should be vaccinated. It is also good to be responsible as parents and to keep a check on the vaccines that must be given at each age. If so, you will have a healthy family ready to fight any disease.

You can keep track of vaccines in a family notebook or in a space at home . Thus, you will be able to remember when to go to the vaccination center in your city. Remember that the family is not only to enjoy, but also to take care of each other and enjoy good family health.

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