The Incredible Properties Of Lemon Peel Tea

Just as there are those who prepare a soft drink with a certain diuretic effect with the peel of the pineapple or the orange, there are people who decide to prepare a lemon peel tea. While the goal of consuming these types of beverages is usually to support weight loss, this is not always the case.

Lemon peel tea can be considered a healthy alternative to juices, soft drinks, teas, and industrial flavored waters. Supports hydration and can complement a balanced diet. 

It is considered that by being refreshing and having a slightly acidic taste, this drink helps to “revitalize” the body after training. In other words, it provides the extra energy that is needed to continue the journey. Therefore, there are those who consume it after exercising. 

What would be the benefits of lemon peel tea?

Lemon peel

According to popular beliefs, lemon peel tea would help to carry out proper digestion while helping to release gases. This would be because the drink is a mild and simple remedy against minor ailments, such as indigestion, gas and colic.

As you already know, this kind of discomfort is usually experienced in the middle of the afternoon, or after heavy digestion. Have you ever experienced it? In that case, you have probably wondered what the best remedy for you may be besides the classic chamomile infusion. The answer is simple: lemon peel tea.

To obtain its benefits, it is said that the ideal would be to take it in the morning or after a meal, without sugar or other sweeteners such as honey, agave syrup or others.

Other associated benefits

  • It would fight bad breath.
  • It would remove excess oil from the skin.
  • It would help regulate intestinal transit.
  • It would help prevent colds and flu.
  • It would favor the elimination of retained fluids and would support weight loss.

    How to prepare lemon peel tea?

    Lemon peel tea with slices.

    If you want to consume this drink to supplement your daily hydration, you should have the following ingredients on hand.


    • 1 liter of water (1000 ml).
    • The peel of 2 lemons.
    • The juice of one lemon (4 ml).
    • Optional: 4 tablespoons of honey (80 grams).


    • The first thing is to bring the liter of water to boil.
    • Once it is hot, drop the peels of the 2 lemons (previously washed).
    • Let it come to a boil
    • Then add the natural juice of a lemon.
    • Let it continue to cook for another 20 minutes.
    • Let it rest for another 10 minutes to warm it up.
    • Pour yourself a cup and consume (add a touch of honey, if desired).
    • Pour the rest of the liquid into a glass bottle to keep it well in the refrigerator for a few days.
    • If you are going to drink it to relieve stomach pain, heaviness and gas, it is recommended that you sip it slowly.

    Consumption mode

    Although it is often said that the ideal would be to have a first cup of lemon peel tea on an empty stomach, there is no “ideal” time to consume this drink. So if you want to drink it first thing in the morning, do it because you want it to, not because at this particular time you are going to get more benefits.

    Keep in mind that, if you want to lose weight, you should try to improve and maintain good lifestyle habits and not just resort to consuming lemon water, since by itself it is not capable of helping you achieve your goals.

    In case you have doubts about how to eat a balanced diet, you can consult with the nutritionist. The professional will tell you what is best for your needs. Avoid miracle diets, as they are extremely risky for your health and skip meals, as this does not provide real benefits.

    On the other hand, remember that you must do physical exercise daily. Abandoning a sedentary lifestyle and maintaining an active lifestyle will provide you with multiple benefits and help you increase your well-being. So go for a whole healthy style and not just a drink, like lemon peel tea.

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