Anti-inflammatory And Intestinal Repair Smoothie

How can a smoothie help us in our intestinal health? The intestine plays a very important role in the body, since through it toxins are eliminated and various vital functions are regulated that guarantee good health.

Health experts agree that the origin of the main diseases  are poor diet, poor bowel function and therefore the accumulation of toxins.

A sedentary lifestyle and poor diet overload the intestine with tasks, since we do not absorb enough nutrients for food to be completely digested and not interfere with the body’s metabolic processes.

By having a leaky, inflamed, weakened or waste gut, health suffers because it does not allow a good absorption of nutrients, weakens the immune system and, later, causes chronic diseases.

For this reason it is very important to support the function of the intestine and provide it with the nutrients it needs to deflate and function in perfect condition.

Special smoothie to help repair the intestine

To combat inflammation and repair the intestine permanently, it is very important to modify all lifestyle habits and adopt a routine that includes good nutrition and exercise.

But in addition, other “aids” can be given to the body to optimize intestinal function and thus improve health.

This is the case with this anti-inflammatory and repairing smoothie, it  combines the properties of various fruits and spices to make a drink with a high power to  restore  the intestine.

To better understand all its benefits, we explain below what are the properties provided by each of its ingredients.



According to an article published in the Journal of Investigations of Medical and Health Sciences; Mango is a fruit with a high antioxidant power thanks to its content of quercetin and isoquercetin, which  could protect the colon.

It also contains a good amount of vitamin A and C, and carotenoids that strengthen the immune system and fight inflammation.


One of its main properties are papain and chymopapain, which act as a powerful anti-inflammatory and accelerate healing.

In addition, it contains vitamins C, E and beta-carotenes, which also play a very important role in reducing inflammation. A) Yes 

See also: 6 health benefits of papaya according to studies


Gingerol, an active compound that gives it its characteristic spicy flavor, makes ginger one of the natural ingredients with the most anti-inflammatory power.



Its active ingredient is curcumin, known for its high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power that can reduce different types of inflammation in the body.

As if that were not enough, a study carried out by the International Journal of Oncology would collect its anticancer properties that could stop and prevent the development of tumors and other related ailments.


Several studies have shown that it reduces the levels of cytokines (inflammatory regulatory molecules) in the body.


It is the name that has been given to the “good” bacteria that help regulate the intestinal flora.

Consuming these types of products every day can help restore the healthy balance of bacteria in the intestine according to a study conducted by the ITPAC Scientific Journal.


It is an amino acid that contributes to the wellbeing of such important systems as the digestive and immune systems.

Glutamine helps repair damage to the intestine, supporting the growth of the intestinal mucosa.

How to prepare this smoothie?


This smoothie is very easy to prepare and really healthy for  the intestine without causing side effects to the body.


  • Unsweetened flax milk.
  • Frozen mango.
  • Fresh papaya.
  • Walnuts.
  • Fresh ginger root.
  • Fresh turmeric root.
  • Ground cinnamon.
  • Chia seeds.
  • Flax seeds.
  • L-glutamine powder.
  • Probiotic powder.


  • Add the flax milk to the blender and then add the rest of the ingredients.
  • Process everything for a couple of minutes or until the mixture is creamy.
  • If you do not have a powerful blender, it is necessary to grind the nuts or seeds before incorporating them into the smoothie.
  • When it is ready, drink it very cool so that the concentration of its properties is not lost.
  • Ideally, take it on an empty stomach or as a substitute for breakfast.

With this smoothie you can reduce inflammation and regain the health of the intestine in a healthy way. Get these ingredients and do not hesitate to try it.

If the pain persists, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

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