Eggplant Helps You Reduce Abdominal Fat

Due to its high content of water, fiber and minerals, as well as its low caloric intake, aubergine is a very versatile and ideal food for those who must monitor your weight.

In this article, we explain how eggplant helps you reduce abdominal fat, as well as some suggestions and recipes to eat it in a light and original way.

In particular, we tell you what the aubergine water-based drink consists of and an original and light way of preparing battered aubergines.

Does Eggplant Help Reduce Belly Fat?

One of the parts where fat deposits accumulate the most is in the waist, both men and women. However, we can reduce abdominal fat with some eating tips and changing some habits in our routine.

But, why have we selected the eggplant to help us lose weight and reduce waistline? Take note of its benefits:

Eggplant NellieMcS

High water and fiber content

Almost 92% of the eggplant is water, so its caloric intake is very low. In addition, the fiber in eggplants hinders the absorption of fats in the intestine, thus regulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Also, this high fiber content makes it a very satiating food.

Remember that, on the other hand, the fibers of the eggplant are capable of improving the health of the intestinal microbiota, which has been shown to impact metabolism and improve weight loss.


It is diuretic, so it helps us eliminate excess fluids from the body. This will be very effective when we feel like we are getting swollen easily.

Fight constipation

In case we suffer from constipation, eggplant helps us to fight it naturally thanks to its fiber content. In this way, the intestines will work better and therefore will not become inflamed, which would cause a thickening of the waist.

Purifying properties

Finally, the eggplant has cleansing properties that help us eliminate toxins from the body. Therefore, in addition to reducing fat accumulations, we will be getting rid of toxic substances that can be the cause of multiple diseases in the future.

On the other hand, aubergine is a food that has phytonutrients of an antioxidant nature. The regular intake of these substances is capable of preventing the appearance of complex pathologies, according to a study published in Clinica Chimica Acta.


Eggplant should not be eaten raw, as it contains a toxic alkaloid called solanine, which appears much more in the green parts of the plant and in unripe fruits.

Solanine disappears with heat. Although it is true that the existing amount is not enough to create intoxication, well cooked they do not present any health problem.

Even today it is being investigated whether these compounds may have a beneficial role in killing cancer cells.

Discover the aubergine water

One of the lightest and healthiest ways to benefit from all these properties is to prepare aubergine water:

  • Wash a medium eggplant, peel it and cut it into cubes.
  • Put the dice in a dark glass bottle, along with a pint of water.
  • Let it marinate overnight.
  • The next morning, add the juice of half a lemon, which will enhance the flavor and properties.

You can drink this drink half an hour before main meals throughout a week. Then, once a month or every longer, when you feel like you need it.

Light battered aubergines

Theresa battered eggplant

Generally we associate battered food with a large amount of fat and calories, but in this case we propose a delicious and very light way to prepare some simple battered aubergines :

  • First, soak the sliced ​​aubergine in water and salt for at least an hour. Let it drain for a while.
  • Pass the aubergine slices through beaten and lightly salted egg and then through ground or flaked oatmeal, depending on whether we like the thicker and crunchier or finer batter. Oatmeal is also a very nutritious cereal but it helps us lose weight. 
  • Put them in the oven with a little good quality olive oil and, if you wish, add aromatic spices.
  • Bake until the aubergines and are soft. They should be very tender inside and with the crunchy batter.

If we have guests we can prepare these battered aubergines and, for those who do not have to follow a diet, we can also season them with tomato and goat cheese.

Introduce eggplant into the diet

You already know the benefits of eggplant and how it can help us reduce abdominal fat. However, as we already know, there is nothing miraculous when it comes to burning fat and losing weight.

The important thing is that we eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and be very disciplined.

Images courtesy of NellieMcS and Theresa

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