How To Remove Corns From Feet With Aspirin

If there are no skin disorders, a paste prepared with aspirin can be used to remove corns more easily.

The calluses of the feet are alterations of the most superficial layer of the skin. They are seen as a thickening of the same (hyperkeratosis) and are asymptomatic. However, because they are unsightly, people are looking for ways to remove them.

Generally, the hardness is usually associated with the accumulation of dead cells in the soft areas of the skin of the feet, as well as the pressure or continued friction, produced by inadequate footwear or a bad footprint.

And do you know how you can remove it? With the help of a few aspirins. Read on to find out the procedure and other details!

Use of aspirin to eliminate the calluses of the feet

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is a worldwide drug that is often used to treat headaches and fever. It has long been one of the most commonly prescribed pain relievers.

This drug has a fat-soluble component, known as beta-hydroxy acid, which is often used by many companies in the manufacture of creams and exfoliating products.


Because of this, popular wisdom has considered that aspirin can be an ally in the treatment of corns and calluses on the feet. It would help soften them, which would make them easier to remove with tools like pumice. In addition, it would help reduce inflammation in the adjacent area.

According to the scientific literature, it is true that aspirins are useful for this purpose. However, it must always be borne in mind that everything can vary depending on the type of skin of each person, and the dermatological disorders (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, etc.).

Aspirin treatment for calluses on the feet

It is believed that the combination of salicylic acid from aspirin and lemon juice would help to obtain a mixture capable of softening the calluses of the feet and facilitating their elimination.

There are some discrepancies around the use of lemon juice, as it can cause irritation and other discomfort to the skin. When using it, you also run the risk of staining your skin. However, there are those who decide to use it, although in small quantities.


  • 4 aspirins.
  • Lemon juice drops.
  • Water (about 10 ml approximately).


  • Pumice.
  • Clean socks.


  • Take the four aspirins and place them in a mortar to pulverize them. If you don’t have a mortar, you can use a fork or a heavy object.
  • Put the aspirin powder in a clean glass or container.
  • Cut the lemon in half and extract its juice.
  • With the help of a teaspoon, mix the lemon juice with the aspirin powder.  Then add a little water to make a thick paste.

    Application mode

    • First, clean the feet of all kinds of dirt and spread the product that you prepared earlier on the affected areas.
    • Put on your socks (or wrap your feet in a small towel).
    • Leave on for 20 or 30 minutes. 
    • Rinse your feet with warm water and mild soap.
    • Next, take the pumice stone and gently rub the affected areas, using gentle movements, to begin to remove the calluses from the feet.
    • Finally, dry your feet well with a clean, dry towel.
    • Repeat the procedure another day if you consider that you still have hardness. Avoid doing it the same day or the next, as it can mistreat the skin excessively.

    Tips to achieve better results

    To maintain healthy and beautiful feet, and also avoid the appearance of hardness on the feet, it is recommended that you take the following into account.

    • Avoid wearing tight socks and shoes.
    • Do not abuse high heels on a daily basis.
    • Moisturize your skin with a cream or lotion. You can take advantage of the moment to do relaxing foot massages.
    • Before going to sleep, you can apply some petroleum jelly or coconut oil (or whatever you like) to your feet, put on your socks and rinse your feet the next morning. This will help you avoid dryness, calluses, and calluses.
    • Deodorize your regular-wear shoes to avoid bad odors and fungal infections.
    • Never wear dirty socks and always change them after exercising.

    See a podiatrist if you have questions about how to remove calluses from your feet. The professional will provide you with the most appropriate treatment for your case, as well as some additional recommendations.

    According to Dr. Kendrick Alan Whitney, people with a tendency to develop corns and calluses may consider going to the podiatrist regularly for corns and calluses.

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