4 Ways To Maintain Love In The Couple

Love in the couple is something that once it arises must be constantly cared for. This nurturing can be just as enjoyable as the falling in love process itself. Many times we do not know how to maintain love in the couple, but there are certain keys that can help us.

When we discover that the other person has characteristics that we like and complement us, we experience joy and great well-being. But what happens next? How does love stay as alive as the first day? How to take care of the other person and ourselves at the same time?

Many people make the mistake of assuming that once they have found their ideal partner, everything is done. They believe that love is based only on the search for the person or, that once you have found them, you must be attached to them. This is a wrong belief. There are certain aspects that can be taken into account when maintaining love in the couple.

1. Do things without your partner

Do things without your partner

Yes really. To maintain love in the couple it is important that each one maintains their space and that you respect your partner’s need to have their own activities.

It is normal that at the beginning of the relationship you try to be as much time as possible together. As time progresses, it is normal to feel the need to grow on your own. This means:

  • Create, maintain and strengthen relationships with your friends. From going out for coffee to traveling with friends, everything is necessary for a healthy life.
  • Taking time with the family without your partner. Even if your parents think you “hit the jackpot” with that boyfriend, they need time with you. It is important to h acer your own activities and converse without having to include at all times to your partner. The same thing happens to your partner’s family.

When you take the time to do things alone and pursue your passions, the relationship improves because each one brings news to her. Both you and your partner need to explore those activities that generate some interest.

You don’t have to give up your passions. For example, if you intend to attend cooking classes, don’t stop just because your partner doesn’t feel the least bit interested. Instead, go to those classes and surprise him one weekend with a dinner prepared by you. You will see that this helps to maintain love in the couple successfully.

2. Get away from it all a bit

There is nothing like taking distance from work or family obligations to maintain love in the couple. The simplest option is a weekend getaway to any place nearby.

Depending on what you like, you can choose a gourmet or adventure trip or one that includes a relaxing massage session. The important thing is that both of you are excited and that the time you are away is really spent together. This means the following:

  • No electronic devices. If the trip is a day or two, there is really little chance that something very important will come up that you cannot wait. Tell friends, boss and family that you will not be available and turn off all devices.
    • Talk about the relationship and your expectations. Being away from everything, you can find yourself in the perfect environment to talk about their expectations.
      • How do you see yourself in 5 years? What do you expect from your work? What challenges are you experiencing and have not shared with each other? Is there something that worries you?
      • This conversation can give an air of renewal, of greater affection and commitment to the relationship.
    • Enjoy the trip and the company. Focus your attention on yourself and forget about work obligations or problems you may have at home. This does not mean that you will never solve these problems, but it is better to focus on the present moment.

    A basic trick to maintaining love in your partner is to give every aspect of your life the attention it requires at the right time. This means checking work emails during dinner or receiving calls from the boss during the day off should be avoided at all costs.

    It is important to clearly delineate the boundaries  between work and your partner or home. In case you work from home, then create your own home office and keep your work within it at all times.

    Sometimes we find ourselves with a job that is too demanding (doctors or lawyers) and in others it is possible to have a very absorbing boss. But it is important to remember that maintaining that healthy relationship does not depend on them, but on you. Who should set the limits is you.

    4. Talk daily to keep the love in the couple

    satisfied couples

    Some people are surprised when they see long distance relationships that work and others who are in the same city that they hate each other. The secret of this disparity is not the distance itself, but the communication and interest that one has.

    It is vital that both of you speak and listen. That is, each one should have their moment to make their point of view known and then listen to the other. It’s all about having a conversation, so avoid monologues where the other person just says “yes” or “no.”

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