Foods To Strengthen The Immune System

The immune system is in charge of fighting harmful substances that affect our body and make us sick. Therefore, it is essential to take care of it. Today we present you a series of foods that can help you strengthen it.

We regularly consume foods that provide essential nutrients to our body and we don’t even know it. Today we want to talk to you specifically about those that can help you strengthen the immune system.

In today’s world there are factors that can deteriorate our health. Some of them are lack of exercise, bad habits, smoking, or high-fat diets.

In this situation, it is more important than ever to have a strong immune system. Therefore, take note of these foods that can help you strengthen it naturally.

Foods to strengthen the immune system

Our immune system has two main functions: detect substances that are harmful to our body and defend ourselves against them.

It could be said that it is something like a biological “army” in charge of keeping our body free of “enemies”. Therefore, it is essential for our health, style and quality of life.

However, people often forget to organize diets that enhance the normal performance of our immunity.

However, in nature there are a great variety of fruits and other foods that will benefit our immune system. These will help us strengthen the immune system.

Below we will recommend some of them in order to achieve nutrition focused on the immune system. Also, keep in mind that the quality of the food you eat should always be the best.

In fact,  we are what we eat. Therefore, surely your health will not go very well if you do not have a balanced diet.


Without a doubt, a very refreshing tropical food with great hydrating properties. Watermelon contains an element called glutathione.

Glutathione is found in the “meat” or red part of the watermelon. This is a powerful antioxidant that helps strengthen the immune system.


A food with high concentrations of glutamine. This works in the body as a strengthener of the immune system.

Cabbage is easily available in the markets. You can add this product to your preparations such as soups and salads. Also, remember that you must wash your food well when eating it.


A serving of about 10 grams contains 50% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E. This is a powerful antioxidant that can help us strengthen the immune system.

In addition, almonds also contain numerous B-complex vitamins, such as thiamine, riboflavin or niacin. Thus, it can be a great ally in the fight against stress.

Let’s not forget that stress, especially ongoing, can negatively affect our health, especially the immune system.


Yogurts contain bacteria  that benefit the digestive system. Thus, a good digestion will help the correct absorption of nutrients to strengthen all your body systems.

In addition, some research suggests that yogurt can strengthen the immune system to fight infections and diseases. And it is that 70% of the immune system is in the digestive system, especially in the intestine.



We have undoubtedly heard of the great benefits related to consuming spinach. In addition, it is known as a high-potency food for its richness in nutrients.

Among them, we find elements such as folic acid. This participates in the creation of white blood cells. This is one of the substances that is part of the immune response to fight disease.


A diet low in fluids can destabilize the humidity levels in the respiratory mucosa. These are responsible for protecting the body from possible infections.

The amount of water you should drink should be adapted to the needs of your body according to the activities you do. However, health professionals recommend consuming 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day.

A recommendation that we must take into account is to accompany the diet with exercises and excellent hydration. In addition, you should also respect the recommended hours of sleep. The immune system is weaker in people with poor sleep or schedules that involve not getting adequate rest.

You have just seen the benefits that a good diet can bring to strengthen your immune system. Therefore, we hope you do not hesitate to include these foods in your diet. What are you waiting for?

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