5 Low Calorie Shakes

In addition to being low in calories, these natural shakes are filling and provide us with extra energy when carrying out our daily activities.

Low calorie shakes are healthy, refreshing drinks that have gained a lot of fame in recent years. Without a doubt, they are one of the simplest ways to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, within a healthy lifestyle.

There is a wide variety of recipes, designed for all tastes and needs. In fact, many are used as a supplement to lose weight, since they are low in calories and help promote a feeling of fullness, thus calming the anxiety to eat.

So that they can provide benefits, as with other preparations with slimming potential, is that we include these shakes within a diet according to the needs of the body, and that at the same time, we do physical activity daily. Let’s see some recipes below.

1. Pineapple, apple and orange smoothie

pineapple, ginger and turmeric smoothie

This is one of the shakes that not only contains very few calories; Due to its combination of ingredients, it makes a significant contribution of dietary fiber, antioxidants and enzymes that promote digestion and metabolism.


  • 1 apple.
  • Orange juice (100 ml).
  • Slices of natural pineapple (to taste).


  1. Cut 3 pineapple slices into several cubes.
  2. Chop an apple without removing the skin.
  3. Pour the chopped fruits into the blender glass and process them with half a glass of orange juice.
  4. Serve and consume.

2. Pomegranate and strawberry smoothie

If the goal is to lose weight and strengthen your defenses, this pomegranate and strawberry smoothie is the best option. With only 160 calories, it is a satisfying drink that provides large doses of vitamin C and antioxidants.


  • Natural yogurt (100 g).
  • Frozen strawberries (80 g).
  • Pomegranate juice (100 ml).


  1. Add all the ingredients in the blender and process them for a couple of minutes.
  2. Once you have a smooth drink, serve it instantly.

3. Strawberry banana smoothie

Easy breakfasts: strawberry smoothie

The antioxidants in the strawberry combine with the natural sugars in the banana to give us an energy shake, low in calories, ideal to calm hunger in moments of anxiety to eat.


  • 1 ripe banana.
  • Frozen strawberries (80 g).
  • Almond milk (125 ml).


  1. Add the strawberries and banana to the blender glass.
  2. Add the almond milk and process, on medium speed, 2 or 3 minutes.

4. Pineapple, banana and spinach smoothie

This tropical green smoothie contains light doses of protein and energy substances that help combat morning fatigue. It is perfect for improving sports performance and curbing anxiety to eat.


  • Pineapple.
  • Spinach.
  • Ripe banana.
  • 1 glass of almond milk (250 ml).
  • Optional: ice cubes.


  1. Chop 2 pineapple slices and 1 ripe banana.
  2. Put them in the blender and add 6 spinach leaves and the almond milk.
  3. Process everything for 2 or 3 minutes, until you get a homogeneous drink.
  4. Serve with ice to taste.

5. Watermelon, strawberry and lemon smoothie

Watermelon detox shake

The ingredients that we mix in this natural smoothie are powerful moisturizers that help refresh the body. Its antioxidants protect cells throughout the body.

They have a slight diuretic effect that, among other things, promotes the expulsion of retained fluids to avoid inflammatory imbalances.


  • Strawberries (80 g).
  • Water (200 ml).
  • Lemon juice (30 ml).
  • Watermelon slices without peel.


  1. Cut 2 slices of watermelon into several cubes.
  2. Wash the strawberries and chop them.
  3. Pour everything into the blender, including the water and lemon juice.
  4. Process for 2 minutes, until everything is well integrated.

Recommendations for consumption

  • Prepare and drink the shake on the spot, which is when it is freshest.
  • Consume alone or with your breakfast or snack. 
  • Consume it up to 2 times a day to hydrate yourself. You can add some ice to it.
  • Never substitute main meals for shakes or smoothies. 

There are many other low calorie smoothie recipes that you can incorporate into your diet. Find the one that most catches your attention and enjoy it!

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