Do You Have A Sprained Ankle? 5 Remedies Against Pain

Ankle sprain can be very painful and does not allow us to walk or move as we want. Having remedies that improve symptoms and allow a faster recovery is essential.

Suffering an ankle sprain is more common than you think, especially when we wear heels or walk in a hurry.

In addition, the pain it causes can be quite strong. And to that we must add the fact of not being able to tread well perhaps for days.

In the following article we will tell you how to reduce pain with home remedies and treatments. These can help you recover faster and return to your daily activities without problems or discomfort.

How does an ankle sprain occur?

As a first step, it is necessary to know what an ankle sprain is and how it occurs.

To do this, we must talk about the ligaments. These structures give stability to the joints and are a kind of “ropes” that allow movements.

When these are excessively tensioned, they break. This is how what is known as a sprain occurs. The ankle is the most common, mainly in active people.

For women who wear heels, the possibility of sprained ankle is greater due to the position of the foot.

If we only support the toes, the rest of the foot is unstable and the ligaments are tightened more than normal. So you don’t have to fall or bend your ankle the wrong way to get injured. Sometimes wearing certain shoes is enough.

Home remedies to relieve a sprained ankle

Once the injury occurs, it is very important to go to the doctor and immobilize the area, that is, walk as little as possible, or even rest.

Some natural remedies can help relieve a sprained ankle and help repair damaged tissues, ligaments, and tendons. Among them we recommend:

1. Red clay and wine vinegar plaster

swollen ankles and feet

This is a very old remedy, which perhaps your mother or grandmother knows about. This can be used for any bruise or sprain.

The plaster is a sticky and somewhat thick mixture that is applied medicinally on different parts of the body.

According to this study carried out by the University of Zaragoza (Spain), clay has many properties: heal, prevent infections, reduce inflammation and remineralize. This is due to its content in vitamins and minerals, such as iron.

In the case of wine vinegar, it will be in charge of disinfecting and providing hydration to the plaster. Also, it  will prevent bruising. This is due to its antibacterial properties, as stated in this study conducted by Arizona State University.


  • 1 cup of powdered red clay (180 g)
  • Wine vinegar (required amount)
  • Cling film

What should you do?

  • First, place a cup of red clay in a large container. Then, add the wine vinegar while mixing it with both hands.
  • The idea is to form a paste that is easy to apply to the affected area.
  • Afterwards, let it dry (it will harden). Finally, wrap with a transparent film or plastic and, after 20 minutes, remove with warm to lukewarm water.

2. Ice

Applying cold is one of the best ways to reduce inflammation in a sprained ankle, as suggested by this study carried out by the University of the Americas (Chile). However, to be effective it must be placed as quickly as possible after injury.

What should you do?

  • Put several ice cubes in a plastic bag and press on the area.
  • Then lie down on the couch or bed and put your foot up, above the level of your heart. This will prevent blood from pooling and reducing swelling.
  • Keep the ice for 15 minutes, wait half an hour and then apply again.

3. Epsom salts

These crystals contain magnesium, a very effective mineral for relieving muscle pain.


  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • ½ cup of Epsom salts (75 g)

What should you do?

  • Heat a liter of water and pour it into a container. Next, add half a cup of Epsom salts and stir well to dissolve and cool.
  • When the liquid is at room temperature (you can mix it with cold water), put the foot in and leave for half an hour.
  • You can repeat this process twice a day.

4. Warm compresses

Once 24 hours have passed since your ankle sprain has occurred and the swelling has subsided, it is likely to hurt less.

That is not to say that there is nothing we can do to make ourselves feel better.

Hot compresses can be very helpful as they get the blood moving and help the muscles recover. However, it is advisable to discuss this with the doctor, since in cases of sprain it may not be the most recommended.

swollen ankle

5. Chamomile

Many natural herbs can help you when you have a sprained ankle. Chamomile, according to this study carried out by the Case Western Reserve University (United States),        has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties for the muscles.


  • 4 tablespoons of your chosen herb (60 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)

What should you do?

  • First, add the herb of your choice to a bowl of boiling water. Do it in a similar way to the Epsom salts option.
  • Then, try to keep the water warm when you insert your foot and leave it for at least 20 minutes.

6. Cayenne pepper

This spice so used in cooking due to its aroma, flavor and color has more than interesting medicinal properties.

Therefore, you can take advantage of it in case of suffering a sprain. Everything is thanks to capsaicin, its main component, which helps relieve pain. This is stated in this study carried out by the University College London (United Kingdom).


  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)
  • 1 pinch of cayenne pepper

What should you do?

  • In a cup of hot water, dissolve a pinch of cayenne pepper and then soak a cloth or cotton ball.
  • Finally, go over the affected area and do not rinse.

In the event that you suffer an ankle sprain, we recommend that you consult a doctor, so that he or she can offer you appropriate treatment. Home remedies serve as a supplement or first aid.

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