5 Things You Can Do Every Day To Charge Your Body With Energy

Believe it or not, just incorporate some simple routines into your day to day to get more vitality and extra energy for the rest of the journey. We tell you what they are.

Do you know what to do to charge your body with energy? The lack of vitality in the body not only makes us feel tired, but most of the time, productivity significantly decreases. This feeling of physical and mental weakness , in turn, easily leads to states of anxiety, stress, and fatigue.

The most worrying thing is that, because it is so common, many downplay it and do not take the necessary measures to prevent it from becoming recurrent. Here are 5 simple things you can do every day to keep your mind and body more active.

5 tips to charge your body with energy

Although there are several natural remedies to give an extra vitality to the body, the truth is that it is necessary to adopt some healthy habits to avoid that the quality of life is affected by the lack of energy. Take note of these practices.

1. Stretching exercises

full stretch

Stretching exercises, especially when getting up, help improve circulation so that oxygen is transported safely throughout the body. Thus, the fatigue that is sometimes felt in the morning, can occur as a result of poor circulation. This happens when adopting bad postures to sleep.

In addition, according to a publication from Harvard Medical School , stretching exercises are essential to maintain strong, flexible and healthy muscles. So don’t forget to practice this habit after waking up to feel healthy and have a more energetic day.


  • Stretch your limbs for 15 seconds, before getting out of bed.
  • Raise your arms and try to stretch your fingers as far as possible.
  • Do the same exercise with your legs and feet.
  • Finish by stretching your neck and back.

2. Consume a glass of water upon waking up

A measure as simple as consuming a glass of water on an empty stomach can help recharge the body so that it functions in optimal conditions throughout the day. This precious liquid rehydrates the body after a night of fasting and, incidentally, promotes the reactivation of circulation.


  • Have a glass of water right after you wake up.
  • If desired, add a little lemon juice to the water to complement its benefits.

3. Take a cold shower


Hot showers are relaxing and can help manage stress after a long day at work. However, if the idea is to have a more productive and energetic day, it is best to start the day with a cold shower.

In relation to this, a clinical trial published in the journal Medical Hypotheses points out that taking a cold shower for a maximum time of 5 minutes, 2 to 3 times a week, helps to alleviate the symptoms of depression.

This appears to be because exposure to cold activates the parasympathetic nervous system and increases the level of endorphins, also known as happiness hormones. This substance is responsible for stimulating the areas of the brain that produce pleasure to the body.


  • If you are not used to cold water, start by lowering the temperature little by little, until your body adjusts.

4. Eat a healthy breakfast

On many occasions, the importance of breakfast has been highlighted, since it is one of the meals that helps to charge your body with energy with the necessary nutrients to work in optimal conditions every day.

Although there are mixed opinions about it, it is said that, being the first meal of the day, it could help keep energy levels high. However, the food that is eaten is also essential for this purpose.


  • Eat a high-quality breakfast every day, in the first hour after waking up.
  • Make sure to include foods rich in protein, antioxidants, and fiber in this meal.
  • Avoid replacing breakfast with packaged, refined meals or a few simple cookies.

5. Listen to music

What better than to charge your body with energy listening to the music that you like the most? While sometimes overlooked, music can improve your mood and, by releasing stress, also helps you be more productive. Of course, it is essential that the rhythms are happy.

As for its positive effects, a study in the Journal of Positive Psychology suggests that listening to upbeat music could improve people’s moods and increase their happiness. These results were evident in just two weeks.


  • While you shower in the morning, put on upbeat music to help you wake up.
  • If your job allows it, listen to music with soft rhythms to help you focus.
  • Whenever you can, take the opportunity to dance a little.

    As you can see, it is about adopting practices that, although simple, could be  decisive to keep the body full of energy. Still not practicing them? Incorporate these habits into your routine and see their benefits for yourself.

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