What Is The Sun Protection Factor?

There are different sun protection factors and to avoid burns you should choose the one indicated for you according to your phototype and apply it to all areas that are going to be exposed to the sun.

The skin is constantly abused by being exposed to the sun for a long time. For this reason we must protect it with products indicated for it. Depending on each skin type, a different sun protection factor should be used.

The sun protection factor will help you resist the sun’s rays for a longer time without suffering burns. Here we will explain how it does it and which one you can choose for your skin.

How does our skin react to the sun?

When we sunbathe, our body reacts in different ways. Some in a positive way and some in a negative way. As we know, the sun is necessary in our life but in excess it could do a lot of damage.

The sun helps our body to be aware of time and know how to differentiate between day and night. It also fills us with energy, improves our spirits, strengthens the immune system and helps the skin produce the vitamin D necessary for good health.

The solar radiation that most affects our skin are UVA and UVB. UVA rays penetrate deeply into our skin. They are what make the skin look tanned because they induce the production of melanin. UVBs are shorter and are what penetrate the outer layer of the skin. The latter are the cause of burns.

When we expose ourselves to the sun, our skin reacts to protect itself. It produces melanin, which acts as a natural barrier against the sun and, in case we suffer burns, the dermis has the power to regenerate.

When the skin regenerates after burns we observe something very common and that is that its outer layer peels off. In this process, dead cells and healthy skin are removed. However, this does not mean that the sun’s rays have not affected it. Especially UVA rays, as they damage the skin from within.

Long-term aging and loss of skin elasticity respond to the penetration of UVA rays into the dermis. Skin cancer is also caused by this type of radiation.

What is the sun protection factor?

The sun protection factor is the time during which a sunscreen increases or maintains the skin’s natural barrier against the sun. That is, these types of products make the melanin in the skin continue to protect it for a certain time without suffering burns.

This calculation is relative, so it does not mean that it will be enough to use the sunscreen once to keep you safe from sunburn. It all depends on the activities you do while in the sun. If you do any sports activity or bathe at the beach, river or pool, it is recommended to apply more protector every half hour.

Fair skin is more sensitive to the sun than dark skin. Therefore, the former need a higher sun protection factor than the latter.

What are the best known sun protection factors?

Sun protection factors range from 8 to 100 and many cosmetic products tend to have them. The main ones are sunscreen, but some moisturizers and makeup have sunscreen with a specific index.

The protection factor of products such as creams and makeup is always lower, so these cannot be substitutes for sunscreen. They are only an aid for the skin but the one that should never be missing in your home, bag or purse is the protector.

Before applying any makeup it is recommended that women apply sunscreen to their face, neck and décolleté. Of course, if other parts of the body will be exposed to the sun, it is also necessary to apply the product.

The most common SPFs are 15, 30 and 50+ and it will depend on your phototype to choose the right one. Although dark skins are more resistant to the sun, do not forget that they still need to be protected. Take care of your skin every day and at all times, she will thank you.

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