What You Need To Know About Your Metabolism To Lose Weight Effectively

Physical exercise is one of the best ways to speed up your metabolism, as it continues to function even hours after you have finished with the activity .

The term metabolism became very popular in the population. This was due to its relationship with the loss or gain of body weight. What some do not know is that, beyond these functions, it is a complex set of chemical processes whose main function is to transform food into energy sources.

Their activities are decisive for optimal cell function. In fact, it interferes with blood glucose control, cardiovascular health, and many other vital functions. However, bad habits and hormonal issues can slow down your activity  and decrease your ability to carry out these tasks.

As a consequence, there is a notable increase in weight and, with the days, it derives some health disorders that can affect the quality of life. Because of this, it is essential to understand the role it plays in the body. Also learn how it can be activated to promote weight control.

Gaining muscle mass is the best way to speed up your metabolism

One of the main keys to increasing the rate of metabolism is to build muscle mass through physical exercise and the consumption of a balanced diet.

Muscles are more metabolically active compared to fat or bone. Therefore, they require more calories to function. Thus, strengthening the lean mass of the body contributes to increasing energy expenditure, even when remaining at rest. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to increase protein intake through diet, according to a study published in Nutrients .

Controlling glucose is key to metabolism

All foods interfere with blood glucose levels. They are then metabolized to give the body “fuel”.

However, foods high in simple carbohydrates and refined sugars alter these levels, and these imbalances slow down the metabolism.

To stabilize your levels it is essential to limit the intake of these foods and, instead, increase the sources of protein and complex carbohydrates.

Sleep interferes with metabolism

  • Having a good quality of sleep is essential to avoid metabolic disorders that lead to weight gain.

During the rest period, which should not be less than 8 hours, certain processes are carried out. These renew the energies for the next day.

  • In addition, during this period the hormones that control the desire to eat are secreted. Therefore, it is key to avoid excessive calorie intake.

Sleeping less than directed increases the production of your hunger hormones and, over the days, helps you gain weight. In fact, the relationship between alterations in the quality of sleep and the risk of obesity has been demonstrated.

Water consumption is essential

Daily water consumption is one of the main habits to optimize metabolic functions. In fact, a dehydrated organism presents alterations in these processes. Over the days, he gains weight and tends to develop diseases.

Water contains no calories. In addition, it is one of the best supports for the organs that filter waste from the blood. On the other hand, the intake of water is able to stimulate the feeling of satiety, according to a study published in Clinical Nutrition Research.

The importance of a good breakfast

Breakfast is the most problematic meal of the day, not only because it is a source of energy for the body throughout the day, but because it is key to having a good metabolic function. Inappropriate foods are often introduced at this time.

Spending too many hours fasting causes the body to react by accumulating energy, reducing its physical and mental performance.

Sometimes it does not work correctly

Unfortunately for many people, metabolic functions are not always carried out correctly despite practicing healthy habits.

This explains why some lose weight easily while others have to double down to see results.

  • This is due to the fact that some hormones participate in its function, which, when unbalanced, slow down its processes.
  • In addition, it is also compromised by the excessive accumulation of toxins and the development of some diseases in the main systems.
  • In fact, over the years, its rhythm decreases and leads to some difficulties that must be addressed.

Metabolism influences weight loss

Did you know these things about your metabolism? Now that you know more about how it works, try to adopt healthy habits that support both weight loss and better health. Remember that a healthy diet provides good support, as well as regular physical exercise.

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