Tips And Recommendations To Quit Smoking

There are many smokers on the planet and they should know that, as such, the consumption of nicotine does not contribute absolutely anything positive to their lives and those of the people who surround them.

Many are the smokers on the planet and they should know that, as such, the consumption of nicotine does not contribute absolutely anything positive to their lives and those of the people around them. There are also many smokers who know that nicotine does not provide them anything and they look for a way to quit smoking, but they do not succeed. Why?

Well, today we will address a series of tips and recommendations for a person to stop using nicotine, especially cigarettes.

Symptoms that a person presents after using tobacco

  • Strong craving for nicotine.
  • Anxiety, tension, restlessness, frustration, or impatience.
  • Difficult to focus.
  • Headaches.
  • Drowsiness or trouble sleeping
  • Increased appetite and weight gain.
  • Irritability or depression
  • Fatigue and breathing problems.

The relevance of the aforementioned symptoms is linked to the time that the person smoked and the daily amount of cigarettes smoked.

Most frequent times to smoke and how to replace them

  • Cigarette after eating: Brush your teeth, move around, go for a walk, have sugar-free candy.
  • First cigarette of the day: Do gymnastics or morning exercises, drink water, drink fruit juices.
  • Stress cigarette: Think that the cigarette is the cause of the problem and not the most pertinent solution.
  • Relaxation cigarette: Look for more suitable activities to relax, such as reading, generating conversations, listening to music; among other healthier things.

Tips to quit smoking

Set a date to start

Start by setting a date, but the date you set to quit smoking should be the final one. If you wish, try to reduce your daily cigarette consumption in the days close to the date already set.

Communicate your decision to those closest to you

Leaning on your closest nucleus of people or the one you deal with daily is a good decision, since they will try not to smoke in front of you or they will not offer you a cigarette; If they are not smokers, they will remind you of the commitment you have made to yourself and will encourage you to move forward with the execution of your purpose.

Get rid of all things nicotine

Lungs cigars

Try to get rid of cigarettes first, and then get rid of ashtrays, lighters and everything that is impregnated with the smell of cigarettes.

Replace nicotine

In the place where you frequently placed your cigarettes and everything related to them begins to place chewing gum, fried foods and fruits; this way you will generate better habits.

Identify the times where you most want to smoke

It is essential that you locate the situations in which you feel the most desire to smoke; It can be after meals, while you are watching television, while you drink coffee or drink alcohol, in short, try to think of something different in those moments and try to replace them with more positive things; for example, drink tea instead of coffee, go outside, and walk after every meal. This way you will achieve better health habits with respect to nicotine.

Don’t be monotonous

Try not to fall into monotony with respect to your meals and the places you used to smoke; Instead of consuming three large meals, try to divide them up and change the schedule, sit in different places and start visiting other places that are less conventional for you.

Have snacks on hand

fruit salad

Have snacks on hand, but not just any kind of snacks, try to have on hand celery or carrot sticks, fresh fruits, whole grain cookies, also some fried foods (but not in excess); And it is normal that when you quit smoking you start to feel a lot of anxiety, and good snacks will be a great help to counteract this anxiety.

Find support groups

Apart from seeking the support of your close nucleus of people, also try to find talks in health centers that help you with respect to quitting the tobacco habit; there you will find many life stories and people who will help you in a good way.

Face the Craving

The urge to smoke occurs during the first three to four weeks; At the end of these the cravings diminish considerably until they are almost imperceptible; in the weeks of most anxiety it is recommended to drink a glass of water slowly, or take a deep breath, keep the air in the lungs for 15 seconds and expel it very slowly; repeat it several times.


  • Avoid heavy meals.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Do not drink alcoholic or energy drinks.
  • Avoid social relationships for the first few weeks.
  • Think that a cigarette can bring you terrible consequences.

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