Foods And Recommendations To Improve Memory

It should be noted that these recommendations to improve memory do not replace professional and traditional medical treatments. They can simply be incorporated to help speed up the results of those treatments.

In this article we bring you some recommendations that could help you improve memory. Having certain forgetfulness is very common for many people, but there are times when these small forgetfulness become recurrent. These cause serious problems, both at work and on a personal level.

In these cases, a doctor should be consulted to make a diagnosis and take the appropriate measures. If it is not a serious condition, you can try some foods that may help boost memory.

Here are some of them, as well as various medicinal plants that could have beneficial effects.

Foods that could improve and stimulate memory

Among the first recommendations to improve memory is to include foods that provide good amounts of minerals and vitamins. These are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

For example, vitamin E has been shown to contribute to cognitive performance, as decreased vitamin E levels were associated with poor memory performance in older individuals in the study.

Calcium, iron and zinc

First of all we have calcium, which is very important for our body, since it performs vital functions in it. One of the most important is the ability to intervene in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Iron, for its part, is important for the performance and effective oxygen travel to the cells. Finally, zinc is important for the activity of neurotransmitters.

  • The calcium contribution can be obtained from dairy products and nuts, mainly.
  • Iron is found in foods such as meats, organ meats, legumes and in all nuts.
  • The contribution of zinc can be obtained mainly from oysters, lamb meat and, especially, legumes.

    Vitamin B complex

    The B complex vitamins are important for the proper production of neurotransmitters. They are between them:

    • B1, which can be found in pork and brewer’s yeast.
    • Vitamin B6  found in cantaloupe, chicken, and bananas.
    • The vitamin B12, which is present in liver, eggs and cheese.
    • According to some studies, B5 contributes to the structure and function of brain cells. It is also involved in the synthesis of multiple neurotransmitters and steroid hormones.

    Medicinal plants that could improve memory

    Drinking green tea is one of the recommendations to improve memory

    Among the recommendations to improve memory are also a large number of medicinal plants. It is believed that its components could increase brain capacity.

    This way they could improve memory, especially for all those people who have mental fatigue due to work or study. Among the plants that have this capacity are:

    • Gingko biloba
    • Ginseng
    • Rosemary
    • Green Tea
    • Oregano

    We can also use some supplements that can be effective to help improve memory and prevent mental fatigue. For example:

    • Beer yeast
    • Royal jelly
    • Pollen
    • Soy lecithin

    Plums are among the recommendations to improve memory

    It should be noted that these recommendations to improve memory are not a substitute for professional and traditional medical treatments. They can simply be incorporated to help speed up the results of those treatments.

    The treating physician should always be informed which additional supplements are being taken. In addition, follow his recommendations to the letter, since only he knows what are the steps that must be followed in each specific case.

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