How To Treat Ear Infections

Several can be the causes that we have ear infections. It is a common problem that almost all of us have suffered throughout our lives. Who hasn’t had an ear infection after spending the holidays hanging out at the pool?

In the following article, you will learn how to treat ear infections.

Ear infections: what we should know

It should be noted that ear infections are more serious when they involve internal parts and less dangerous if they are related to external areas. In addition, if an otitis is not cured correctly it can cause loss (partial or total) of hearing, vertigo and discomfort.

They are classified based on where the affected area is located:

  • External otitis. Generally, this type of otitis only occurs when our ear is in contact with water intensively. The main symptom is earache, which can range from simple discomfort to severe pain.
  • Otitis media is very common in children and its symptoms can be fever, pain, irritability, among others. It occurs when the interspace of the ear becomes clogged with fluids and mucus.
  • Internal otitis can cause nausea, dizziness, vertigo, vomiting, and loss of balance. It appears when the innermost part of the ear becomes inflamed, it is also known as labyrinthitis. It is rare but its symptoms are severe.

Folk remedies for ear infections

The remedies that we present to you are based on popular knowledge or advice derived from natural therapies. It is advised that they are supervised by health professionals to avoid risks.

Remedies with plants and essential oils

These remedies are not endorsed by the scientific community and may not work for ear infections. Consult with your doctor before applying any remedy discussed here.

  • Crush a handful of basil leaves and another handful of plantain leaves. Heat everything until lukewarm and place as a poultice on the affected ear.
  • Boil two tablespoons of absinthe in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Let cool and bring your ear close to the container so that the steam enters.
  • Macerate ten chamomile flowers with four tablespoons of olive oil for 2 days. Apply with a cotton ball. It is also good for pain caused by excessive ear wax production.
  • Heat two tablespoons of almond oil and let it come to room temperature. Apply two drops in the ear canal and cover with a cotton ball to protect.
  • Boil a handful of oregano leaves and half a cup of water for three minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Strain and pour into a dropper. Apply three drops to the sore ear ( if the eardrum is not perforated ).

Home remedies with foods from your pantry

  • Squeeze a  lemon  and soak a cotton ball in the juice. Gently place at the entrance of the ear (without inserting too much) for 10 minutes before sleeping. This remedy is good when pain is caused by a build-up of wax.
  • Heat two handfuls of rice and place in a cloth bag or wrap in a cloth. Place on the pillow and rest your ear on it.
  • Roast a potato on the fire and wrap it in a cloth. Apply as a compress over the ear as hot as possible.
  • Boil half a cup of water with a handful of coarse salt. Wet a cloth and apply on the ear.
  • Grate a radish and heat it. Wrap in a thin cloth canvas and place over the ear, leave until cool.
  • Cut an onion into slices and mash it. Place on a canvas and heat in the microwave. Apply as a compress on the sore ear.
  • Heat a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil for a few minutes, add a crushed clove of garlic. Let it rest until warm and soak a cotton ball, which you will insert into the ear hole.
  • Crush a handful of chard leaves and extract the juice. Pour with a dropper, about four drops into the ear.

Recommendations to avoid ear pain and infections

  • Avoid using cotton buds to clean your ears.
  • Prevent throat infections.
  • Strengthen the immune system through healthy eating.
  • Avoid sharing headphones.
  • Do not submerge in pools with a lot of chlorine.
  • Do not put foreign objects in the ears.
  • Sleeping on your side to facilitate drainage.

In summary, since ear infections can be complicated, we recommend that you always consult a specialist first before applying treatment on your own.

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