Home Remedies For Sunburn

Sunburns are more frequent than is believed, and are especially suffered in sensitive skin. But not only do they occur on the beach or in summer, they can also appear in winter. The sun does not disappear in the cold months! In this article we are going to know some home remedies to relieve and treat sunburn, but above all, to prevent them.

Radiation burns to the skin are caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun or to artificial sources. Also, the biggest risk factor for sunburn is the amount of time the skin is exposed to UV rays, plus the intensity.

Therefore, it is essential to avoid the hours of greatest intensity and, above all, to use a good sunscreen.

Marigold flowers

Calendula flowers have long been used in folk therapy. They are used as remedies for burns, also sunburn, and other skin conditions.

One study evaluated the effect of calendula extract in hairless mice against damage induced by UV-B irradiation. The application of calendula extract was associated with a possible improvement in collagen synthesis in the connective tissue of the skin.

Iced tea to soothe the skin

Tea contains very important active ingredients called tannins. These may have the ability to soothe the discomfort caused by a sunburn. Tea polyphenols, when applied orally or topically, are believed to improve adverse skin reactions after UV exposure.

To carry out this treatment you have to boil a good amount of chamomile tea, either using the sachets or directly the fresh branch.

After letting it cool completely, you should apply it with a clean cloth to the burns. If the friction produced by the cloth bothers you, because the skin is too delicate, you can use a diffuser and that way it will be easier to apply this effective home remedy.

Green tea to relieve sunburn

Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera Relieves Sunburn

Aloe vera has been used on the skin for its soothing and cooling effect to relieve sunburn. The natural gel that this plant has in the leaves is applied directly to the burned parts to feel great relief.

If you cannot get a plant to directly extract the gel, you can go to an aloe vera-based cream that has a good amount of this gel.

This remedy has also been used to relieve other types of skin lesions. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as healing and regenerating, without forgetting its moisturizing capacity.

Water to avoid dehydration

When we expose ourselves to an intense sun for a long time we run the risk of suffering from dehydration. What happens is that the body loses fluid and mineral salts that are very important to keep the body adequately hydrated. When this happens we have to consume enough water, in this way we can help the skin to restore itself more easily.

L to hydration is key for our body to function properly. And more in critical situations such as sun exposure and sunburn. It is essential to drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated and help the skin to regenerate, especially during the 48 hours after sun exposure.

And remember…

This type of burns should be avoided as much as possible. The solution is to hydrate, in a good and effective sun protection. In addition, you have to limit your exposure to the sun, avoid going out in the hours when it is much stronger. Regarding the levels of protection, these are classified with the SPF.

The  Sun Protection Fact or is an indicator of how long we stay protected when we apply the product. In short, this number ( +15, +30, +50 ) means that if you expose yourself to the sun without protection it takes 15 minutes to burn, sun protection delays that time. For example, if you use an SPF 30, 30 × 15 = 450 minutes (7 hours and a half). Of course, reapply it from time to time, every half hour if possible.

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