6 Great Keys To Reducing Your High Triglycerides At Breakfast

On a daily basis, we are told very often about the negative impact cholesterol has on health. However, rarely is attention paid to another important lipid: triglycerides. How can you lower your high triglycerides with breakfast?

Although the body uses this type of fat as an energy source, its accumulation in the blood can lead to serious heart disease.

Fortunately, it can be controlled from the diet, especially with some foods that are eaten in the morning, do not hesitate to try them!

Breakfast options to lower your high triglycerides

Here are some breakfast options for you to take advantage of and inspire you to make other healthy and tasty options. Lowering your high triglycerides can be an easy goal to achieve first thing in the morning!

1. Slice of rye bread with extra virgin olive oil

Bread with olive oil and olives.

To reduce your high triglycerides for the first meal of the day, you need to eat healthy fats from foods like olive oil.

  • Its contribution in omega 3 will help to minimize the presence of this fat in the blood, which tends to harden the arteries and overload the functions of the liver.
  • It is highly recommended, therefore, to eat this proposal for breakfast. Just add a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil to a slice of rye bread.

2. Fruits of the forest

When it comes to reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels, it is advisable to include fruits and vegetables in the diet.

  • Nuts, such as raisins and dates, are not recommended. However, strawberries, blueberries, cherries or raspberries are highly recommended options for these cases. They are low in fructose and very rich in vitamin C.
  • Banana is another ideal fruit to prepare breakfasts that help you reduce your high triglycerides.

3. Morning drink to reduce triglycerides

If you want to reduce your high triglycerides during breakfast, it will be good for you to include this drink in your breakfasts. Of course, try not to add whole milk or another type of fat that makes that healthy cup of coffee an enemy for your cardiovascular health.


  • 1 apple.
  • Fresh spinach (30 g).
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (10 g).
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice (50 ml).


  • The first thing we will do is wash the spinach and apple well. We are going to include the latter with her skin. We will cut it into four parts and remove the seeds from the center.
  • Once in the blender, you will only have to add the apple pieces, the spinach, the lemon juice, that tablespoon of oatmeal and the glass of water.
  • Process until you get a very homogeneous drink.
  • Drink right away, as part of your breakfast.

4. Yes to oatmeal

Oatmeal is a recommended cereal for almost any diet. The queen of cereals is undoubtedly an ally for your cardiovascular health : it helps you regulate the level of cholesterol and triglycerides, takes care of your weight and gives you energy.

  • The secret of its great benefits is in its contribution in soluble and insoluble fiber.
  • Beta-glucans and mucilages are active principles that optimize and enhance the metabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides.

5. Avocados and watermelon

Watermelon is the fruit that contains the most water. And although it hardly contains fructose, it does have some appreciable amounts of vitamins, minerals and lycopene. If combined in a breakfast of toast with avocado, which is a source of monounsaturated and unsaturated fatty acids, potassium and vitamins C, 3 and B6, it can be a healthy supplement for breakfast.

  • Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids help control your high triglyceride levels.
  • It is advisable to consume a little less than half an avocado, combined with a serving of watermelon. In this way, you get significant amounts of fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, among other nutrients.

6. Apples and walnuts

Breakfast with apples, cereal and fruit

Another healthy combination is green apple with walnuts. From these two ingredients we can prepare a good bowl of oatmeal, a yogurt, or a smoothie. It should be noted that the ideal would be to consume the apple with skin, in pieces and add a few walnuts.

  • Something simple, tasty, satisfying and a fabulous remedy to take care of cardiovascular health.
  • The apple with skin is rich in antioxidants, pectins and vitamins and minerals, which is great for fighting high triglycerides.
  • Walnuts, meanwhile, are rich in monounsaturated fats, are anti-inflammatory, contain vitamin E, folic acid, magnesium and calcium.

    Dare to do it. Prepare a bowl with 3-4 tablespoons of unsweetened plain yogurt, a few walnuts and an apple (whatever color you prefer) and start taking better care of yourself today. In a few months you will see the results in your analyzes.

    Take advantage of breakfast to reduce your high triglycerides!

    If you have doubts about how to eat a balanced diet, according to the needs of your body, consult with the nutritionist. And remember that the proposals that we discussed earlier are just some of the many options you have to prepare rich and healthy breakfasts.

    Take advantage of breakfasts to start including more fruits in your diet and you will see how, little by little, along with other good habits, you can reduce your high triglycerides.

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