Do You Sing In The Shower? Discover Its Benefits!

Beyond promoting our lung capacity and being good for the elasticity of the skin, when we sing we also manage to release endorphins and we can even improve our memory and concentration

Although it is something that we usually do almost reflexively, the truth is that singing in the shower is a very healthy habit. And it is proven that it has benefits for your health. So if you are one of those people who does it frequently, you are in luck.

It is already known that the simple act of singing has always been one of the forms of expression of the human being. Plus, it ‘s a good way to say goodbye to stress. However, these are not the only benefits that this practice can have.

Here are other positive contributions to your health.

Singing in the shower is beneficial for your immune system

The immune system is strengthened

Singing in the shower strengthens the immune system. And it is that according to a study by the University of Frankfurt, when singing increases the concentrations of immunoglobulin A, that is, the protein that works as an antibody, and hydrocortisone.

To do this, they measured the levels of both in a mixed choir before and after a 60-minute singing session.

You feel happier

Singing in the shower improves the feeling of well-being. With a gesture as simple as singing , endorphins are produced in the nervous system, which will make you feel much more energetic and in better spirits, something that you will notice as you face the day.

Tone your muscles

Toned body.

Singing in the shower tones the abdominal and intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, as well as stimulating circulation. By forcing yourself to breathe more deeply, you must take in more oxygen, and all this makes your aerobic capacity significantly improve.

In addition, thanks precisely to the fact that circulation is improved, cells are oxygenated and the immune system is strengthened. All this makes the probability of ending up contracting an infection much lower, so in the end it translates into a much stronger health.

Good for your heart

Something as simple as singing can promote stability in your heartbeat, making your heart stronger and healthier.

The rhythm to which the heart sets when we sing, makes it stronger and healthier. So something as simple as singing will improve the health of this important organ.

Your skin will thank you

Healthy skin.

When we sing the skin of the face becomes more elastic. All the muscles are working on this exercise that involves singing.

In addition, it is a good way to avoid skin relaxation of the face, delaying the appearance of wrinkles. So in the end singing is almost like practicing a physical activity for the health of our skin. Take advantage of those moments in the shower and do not cut yourself.

Good for your concentration and memory

Singing allows you to exercise your concentration and memory skills. And it is that, thanks to the respiration that is capable of supplying the air to the lungs and that allows to boost and promote blood circulation, capacities such as concentration and memory are also improved.

With this simple gesture the capacity of the parasympathetic nerves is strengthened. In this way, singing in the shower ends up compensating the sympathetic nervous activity of the organism and we notice a feeling of tranquility, something fundamental to achieve relaxation.

In the case of children …


If your little one sings in the shower, you should encourage this habit so that he does not stop doing it. It is proven that this simple gesture helps them to be happier, to develop intelligence, creativity, awakens their imagination and also their artistic sensitivity.

In addition, it increases your ability to concentrate and strengthens memory, just as it happens in adults. Also, singing is an exercise capable of improving motor skills and also vocal and auditory abilities.

It is also able to help them become familiar with mathematical concepts and stimulates the development of logic. In addition, they become more sociable and communicative people.

Let’s all sing!

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