Active Breaks: A Moment Of Vital Importance

Today’s daily routines are getting heavier and more stressful. So much so that sometimes we tend to mix work routines with personal ones, without being able to successfully complete either of them. That is why, now more than ever, active breaks are a vital moment for both physical and mental health. We need to  be calm and quiet for a few seconds.

What are active breaks?

In case you don’t know, active breaks are brief moments that people take, or should take, while they go about their workday. In this short interval of time, people regain a little energy to continue with the work. In this way, fatigue decreases and greater stress is avoided.

It is not about leaving work halfway. An active break are short breaks in which people should take advantage of that brief moment to relax their muscles and release a bit of the tension that accumulates during the day. In this way, they can then continue their work activity without pain, fatigue or tiredness.

  • A person who works long hours sitting in the same position must take an active break to get up and go for a walk. This will allow you to release the tension built up in your buttocks and back.
  • Similarly, people who work on their feet for long hours should take a break while sitting to relax the tension in their legs.

Why are active breaks vital?

Stressed girl in the office

These types of breaks are very important, since during long hours of work, the muscles are exhausted and remain static for hours.

This will reduce muscle tension, reduce the feeling of fatigue, reduce stress and improve posture. But we will also be able to optimize attention and concentration at work.

This will help us to do our jobs more effectively, something that benefits both the employee and the employer. A comfortable and relaxed person works much better.

How long should active breaks last?

Person with a lot of stress

It is best to take breaks at the beginning of the working day. This should be done as a warm-up, to prepare for the activity of the day.

Then we can take breaks at least every two or three hours throughout the day. It is best to keep them small, five to ten minutes.

How to take breaks?

When taking active breaks keep some considerations in mind. In this way, these breaks will be really productive and you will achieve the desired end.

Take as deep, rhythmic, and slow breathing as you can. The idea is to relax while doing your chosen exercise.

  • It is best to do exercises that include mobilization of the joints before stretching.
  • Try to focus on feeling the work of each muscle and each joint that you are going to stretch.
  • For the stretch to be effective, hold it for at least 10 seconds. It shouldn’t be painful – you just need to feel it.

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