Are There Foods That Help Us Have A Good Memory?

Our memory gives meaning to our life. Thanks to her we can carry out many activities and jobs that would otherwise be very difficult. Thanks to her we preserve memories of our lives in which experiences of all kinds are collected. Of course, there are foods that help us keep our memory in good condition. Here are 5 foods that can help our cognitive processes.

The following foods are not a substitute for a doctor’s advice. Consult a specialist if you think you are having recurring memory loss.

1. Blueberries for our memory

The blueberry is one of the fashionable fruits. For a few years, this product has become very popular thanks to its properties and benefits. In this case, blueberries help our memory due to their anthocyanin content, a pigment that gives them their characteristic color and also reduces brain degeneration. In this way, blueberries favor the cognitive processes that intervene in the functioning of our cognitive processes. In addition, blueberries could also be of great help to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s or senile dementia.

2 apples

Apple for our memory

Apples are another food that contain useful properties to keep our memory in good condition. This is due to its high content of quercetin, an antioxidant that delays and prevents the degenerative processes that affect our memory, whether these are pathological processes or those derived from normal aging. This compound is found especially in the peel of apples but also in the pulp. Therefore, the apple encourages cells to form and maintain better brain synapses, which translates into an improvement in memory processes.

3. Spinach

Without a doubt, spinach is one of the most popular products that helps our memory. It is well known to people that spinach especially helps memory and brain in general. Spinach contains lutein, a chemical that protects brain cells against degenerative processes. They also have a good amount of folic acid, which is very good for processing information much faster and improving mental performance. As if that weren’t enough, your amount of iron is also important.

4. Celery


Celery is another of the foods or natural products that we can take advantage of for the benefit of our memory. Celery contains significant amounts of a chemical called luteolin, which reduces the negative effects of the aging process and decreases the production and release of molecules that cause inflammation of the brain and, therefore, memory loss. In fact, celery can also help prevent headaches such as migraines and even migraines.

5. Fish

Certain types of fish may help us maintain our memory. Among them we can mention tuna, salmon, trout or sardines. As is well known, these fish (especially salmon) contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are very good for our body in general. Specifically, this type of fatty acid has a positive effect on the nervous system. In addition, these fish usually contain iodine, a fundamental element for the proper functioning of cognitive processes.

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