Bach Flower Therapy

One of the qualities of Bach flowers is that they have no side effects or contraindications, so they can be consumed by people of any age. Learn more about this therapy.

Surely, on several occasions you have heard about the benefits of Bach flowers and how well they work to improve emotional problems such as anxiety, fear, stress, depression, among others. Not for nothing is it considered one of the most popular homeopathic products.

These flower essences are increasingly used thanks to their effectiveness and they do not imply side effects for health. You want to know more? Discover what is the basis of this alternative medicine and how they work to balance the body, mind and emotions in a natural way.

Who was Dr. Bach?

Who was Dr. Bach

Bach flowers are the flower essences discovered by Dr. Edward Bach, a health expert with numerous academic qualifications, among which the one of bacteriologist, doctor and pathologist stands out. He was also known for having great intuition and for his eagerness to discover a natural healing method.

The objective of this was that each person could do it in their own home and with their family in a simple way. So she dedicated her life to searching, plant by plant, for the right remedies to treat the different most common mood disorders.

Between the 20s and 30s of the last century, Bach found 38 flower remedies to help overcome certain mental health disorders. As indicated by a systematic review published in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies , each of them addresses one of these psychological conditions:

  • Afraid
  • Uncertainty
  • Lack of interest in the present
  • Loneliness
  • Hypersensitivity to influences and ideas
  • Despondency or despair
  • Excessive concern for the welfare of others

What are Bach flowers?

What are Bach flowers

As we mentioned, Bach flowers are 38 flower essences that are made by different methods (tinctures, infusions or macerations) to extract the energetic properties of each plant. By taking these essences, the healing virtues act at a very deep and subtle level on the emotions.

In addition to this, their advantage is that they do not present contraindications or side effects.  Therefore, they can be taken by anyone at any age, including pregnant or nursing women, infants, or people with certain health conditions.

At what time can they be taken?

Bach flowers

Although human beings will always have weak points that must be improved according to the personality of each one, on some occasions it is likely that, in addition, there is some blockage that is much more difficult to overcome.

In this sense, Bach flowers can be very useful in stressful situations, in stages of change, or mourning, in moments of depression, among others. For their part, as indicated above, the 38 essences are divided into the following groups:

  • Fear: It is also related to nightmares, phobias, lack of self-control or excessive worries.
  • Uncertainty: Includes lack of confidence, discouragement, depression or indecision.
  • Disinterest: Related to stages of fatigue, mental confusion, apathy or learning difficulties.
  • Loneliness: The feeling of loneliness does not always occur in people who are alone. Sometimes a person can be surrounded by loved ones and yet feel lonely.
  • Excessive influence of others: In reference to people who do not express what they feel, who do not know how to set limits or who have difficulties adapting to changes.
  • Discouragement and despair: It is linked to states of self-demand, rigidity, guilt, anguish or resentment.
  • Excessive concern for others: It also has to do with a certain intolerance, emotional blackmail, nervousness, and so on.

To find the specific Bach flowers we need, it is best to consult with a flower therapist or study the plants one by one to find the one that best suits your specific needs.

Bach flowers, how should they be taken?

How we take them

Bach flowers can be taken individually or in combination. According to a Bach Center post , there are 2 ways to do it. However, it should be noted that taking a large dose at one time will not increase the benefits. 

  • In a glass of water. For short-term results, put two drops of each selected remedy in a glass of water. Take by sips during the day, as many times as necessary.
  • Directly on the tongue. This remedy can also be consumed without diluting it. You can apply two to four drops up to 4 times a day.

The Rescue Remedy

In addition to the 38 flowers, Bach invented a unique combination of several of these essences that he called the Rescue Remedy, as a first aid. This mixture is intended to treat one-off crises and is therefore used as a temporary or momentary solution.

It is also the ideal complement to provide serenity and normality in cases of nervous breakdowns, accidents, sudden illnesses, nightmares, etc. As you can see, both the rescue and flower essences can be a good option to improve your mood in difficult times. Choose the one that best suits your needs and check its benefits.

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