Bad Mood And Chronic Apathy: The Hidden Depression You Should Know About

A bad mood and chronic apathy often contain a disease that takes a long time to be diagnosed. We go through long periods where any word affects us, and we start the day with discomfort and without energy. We have no courage and lose the ability to see the bright side of things.

The most complex thing about these states is that, despite everything, we remain functional. We can go to work, we go, we come, we talk and we even pretend to “smile”. However, we know that something is happening, and until we receive the proper diagnosis we will have a very difficult time on a personal level. However, ours receives a name: dysthymia, a type of disease that you should know.

A bad mood and chronic apathy, a disease that can be inherited

All of us can experience that bad mood and apathy that engulfs us and suffocates us on very specific days. It is normal, because negative emotions are a regular part of our life. However, these moods characterized by such discomfort tend to have little intensity and do not last long. It is enough to change of scene, downplaying what is not worthwhile to, little by little, feel much better.

Instead, there are people who experience this discomfort day by day, extending even for several years. At the moment when said “perception” of discomfort charged with negativity lasts between 6 months and two years, we are already facing depression. We talk about her.

Dysthymia, the most common mood disorder

We are facing a type of depression, but very common among the population. According to the DSM-V (Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders), it is characterized by:

  • Lack of energy.
  • Feelings of negativity and apathy.
  • Days of insomnia, and others of great drowsiness.
  • Lack of appetite
  • Feeling of hopelessness, we stop believing in the future.
  • We have a hard time concentrating.
  • Feeling that nobody understands us.

As we pointed out at the beginning, one of the characteristics of dysthymia is that we can live with it for many years without being diagnosed. 

The weight of genetics in dysthymia

There is an important fact that should be taken into account: dysthymia is caused by an alteration in the neurochemistry of our brain.

  • That is, it is not necessary to look for external causes to this discomfort. Many times we lack that chemical fuel of good humor due to a deficit in our dopamine. 
  • It is common for dysthymia to be inherited from parents to children. When as children we see our mothers or fathers sad or in a bad mood, it is very difficult for us to understand what is happening. However, as we grow into adolescence and early maturity, we begin to experience the same.

The weight of genetics is there, as well as that small alteration in our neurotransmitters. All this should convince us of the need to follow adequate medical treatment with which we can feel better little by little.

Manage dysthymia day by day

Although dysthymia is a “minor” depression, if it is not treated, if it is not treated, and if it is not dealt with properly, it can lead to major depression. Bad mood and apathy always have an origin that we must know how to manage. If we perceive that, almost without knowing how, everything surpasses us, and we fall into a feeling of deep despondency where everything loses its brightness and interest, it is time to ask for help.

The need for a diagnosis

Being told that we have a depression is always scary. However, there is nothing better than knowing our “enemy” to know his weaknesses and defeat him.

  • The diagnosis is in turn accompanied by medical treatment. It may not give us the result we expect at first. For this reason, health professionals will offer us various treatments that, in the end, will be adjusted to our needs.

    Find the “vital fuel” that allows you to get ahead

    The pharmacological treatment must always be accompanied by an adequate therapy where we ourselves are able to emerge from this shell capable of permanently creating a “scab” in our brain.

    • Look for new illusions in your daily life. Sometimes it is not enough to bring about a small change, there are vital moments when we need to make a 180 degree turn. 
    • The support of ours is essential. However, keep in mind that there are people who, far from understanding our depression, think that we feel that way because we are weak. Choose well who you want to have by your side.

    Bad mood and apathy

    Depression, rather than being cured, is OVERCOME. We are not facing a cold in which it is enough that our defenses are the ones who defeat the virus. A depression requires personal strength, encouragement, good treatment, and that will that emerges from within.

    Final comments

    To conclude, always attend to your emotions. If you perceive that the bad mood and apathy are those daily walls that have taken away your energy and well-being, seek help. You deserve to feel better and you can get it.

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