Banana Properties For Our Health

Next, we will tell you what its properties are, what it gives us and the various ways to take advantage of it daily. Likewise, we will tell you about the recommended amounts and the best time to consume them. 

Banana is a very nutritious fruit, with a delicious flavor, which also satisfies the appetite. Therefore, it is one of the most popular fruits in the world, ideal to consume as a snack or as an ingredient in a recipe.

Do you eat it often? If not, maybe you should start doing it, because like other fruits and vegetables, it could contribute significantly to your health and well-being. Also, don’t forget that a piece of fruit can give you that energy boost you need to carry out all your daily activities.

What is the nutritional contribution of the banana?

A unit of banana of approximately 100 grams provides: 27 milligrams of magnesium, 358 milligrams of potassium, 22 of phosphorus and 20 micrograms of folates. Additionally, it provides fiber, carbohydrates and vitamins A, B and C.

It is a food low in protein and lipids, but with a high value of potassium, inulin and oligosaccharides, nutrients that mostly benefit gastrointestinal health.

For all the above, the banana is a food that has -mainly- satiating, cleansing, energizing properties. It is also capable of providing other health benefits. Are you curious about it? In that case, do not stop reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

Bananas or yellow bananas.

When should it be eaten?

Although the banana is a fruit, according to this study conducted by Purdue University, its nutritional values ​​make it also belong to the category of starches, along with other foods such as potatoes, cereals, flours and peanuts .

Starch is a carbohydrate that, in a nutshell, helps with proper digestion and the proper absorption of nutrients from food as it is a digestible carbohydrate, according to this research. This point is essential when determining the best time to eat it, with what foods we should or should not combine it, and so on.

Generally, it is considered that the best time to take advantage of this fruit is during the day, since it contributes a large amount of energy, according to this study carried out by the European University of Madrid, to the body. Now, mid-morning or mid-afternoon it can also be very convenient to eat a unit, or even before or after a workout.

Bananas will satisfy us easily without having to consume refined sugars, fats or other less healthy foods. In addition, we can always carry them with us and they are easy to eat. However, eating more than one or two a day is not recommended.

What are the benefits of banana consumption?

The experts of the 5 a day Association give advice on how to introduce several pieces of fruit throughout the day, in order to make its consumption easier and more frequent.

However, to plan your diet according to your needs and include the banana in the most beneficial way possible, we recommend consulting with a nutritionist.

Now, let’s see what this fruit can give you if you consume it regularly within a balanced diet.

Benefits for the digestive system

Thanks to its alkalizing properties, the banana could work as a natural antacid, although there are studies that affirm that this depends on factors such as the species and the growing conditions.

As already mentioned, this fruit provides energy to the body quickly and could prevent the appearance of cramps and spasms due to a lack of potassium (hypokalemia), according to this research carried out by the Endocrinology and Diabetes department of the Evangelismos Hospital in Athens. Greece.

A sports doctor could give more details in this regard, since it always depends on the individual, their physical condition and other particular issues.

There are also those who recommend eating a serving of this fruit to reduce discomfort when there is stomach pain associated with: menstruation, pregnancy or indigestion. However, there is not enough evidence to fully verify its effectiveness for all these cases.

General benefits

Banana is also a fruit that cares for cardiovascular health and can reduce the risk of heart attacks, thanks to its potassium content, according to various studies. It also helps regulate blood pressure, according to that same source.

On the other hand, the properties of the banana help to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) when a regular consumption is maintained. The research cited states that this effect has been proven in animals, and could be due to the fiber content of this fruit.

How to eat it?

Eat a banana

This fruit should always be eaten ripe, otherwise digestion is not so easy. Moreover, it offers countless culinary possibilities. 

Banana gives a creamy texture and sweet taste to various preparations. Therefore, it combines very well with various foods and the result is simply delicious.

One way to enjoy bananas is to take ripe bananas, freeze them, and then mix them with plain yogurt while mashing. To this preparation you can add a touch of cocoa powder, dark chocolate, cinnamon, among other ingredients.

The truth is that this fruit allows us to reduce the sugar in our diet. Therefore, it should be used in various recipes. Go ahead and you will see that it is possible to eat healthy and delicious!

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