Benefits Of Vegetable Milks And How To Prepare Them

Plant milks have become the best alternative for those who suffer from lactose intolerance, or for those who want to make a change in their diet.

These are made from water and various plant-based ingredients that are reduced in calories and cholesterol-free.

They are characterized by being a natural source of essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that benefit health in multiple ways.

They are easier to digest than cow’s milk, contain less fat and can be used in many recipes.

The flavors and properties of plant-based milks may vary depending on their origin. However, they are usually palatable and perfect to combine with other ingredients.

Taking advantage of this space, we want to share the benefits and recipes of the most delicious vegetable milks. Don’t stop trying them!

Vegetable milks

Soy milk

Soy milk

This is one of the most popular vegetable milks that we can find. It is recommended for people with lactose allergies, as it has a higher digestibility.

It contains very few calories and is loaded with a large amount of isoflavones, fatty acids, and protein.

It also contains vitamins and minerals that help to obtain the necessary amounts for the proper functioning of the body.


  • Helps stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • It favors the control of bad cholesterol (LDL).
  • Fight the symptoms of menopause.
  • Increases the flexibility of the arteries and improves circulation.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Protects bone health.
  • Supports the function of the kidneys and the nervous system.
  • Fight premenstrual syndrome.


  • ½ cup of soybeans (100 g)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence (10 ml)

How to prepare it?

  • Soak the soybeans in water overnight (minimum 12 hours).
  • Drain them the next day and remove the skin.
  • Pour them into the blender, add three cups of water and blend it until you get a smooth drink.
  • Pass the mixture through a cloth strainer and pour the liquid into a saucepan.
  • Add another cup of water and the vanilla essence.
  • Bring it to a boil and leave it over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  • Let it cool, store it in the refrigerator and consume it within three to five days.

Almond milk

Almond milk is a delicious drink, with a slight nutty flavor, that can be used for the preparation of smoothies, desserts and other recipes that require milk.

It contains essential amino acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants  that make it a very healthy option.


  • Lowers blood cholesterol.
  • Control diarrhea and vomiting.
  • It favors digestion.
  • Fight nervous diseases.
  • Prevents anemia and fatigue.
  • Increase muscle mass.
  • Improves brain activity.
  • It prevents osteoporosis.
  • Dilute bile acids, lipids, and sterols.
  • Protect the heart.
  • Take care of intestinal health.


  • 15 peeled almonds
  • ½ liter of water

How to prepare it?

  • After peeling the almonds, put them in a bowl of water and let them soak for 12 hours.
  • After this time, blend everything, pass it through a strainer and consume it.

Oat milk

Oat milk

Oat milk is one of the easiest to make and also one of the most delicious. It is characterized by its high fiber content, and also by its vitamins and minerals.

It does not contain saturated fat and makes a small contribution of linoleic acid and vitamin E.


  • Improves digestive function.
  • Lowers the risk of diabetes.
  • Fight cholesterol and body fat.
  • It is a source of energy.
  • Improves physical and mental performance.
  • Prevents premature aging.
  • Eliminates excess bile acids.
  • Improves skin health.


  • ½ cup of oatmeal (55 g)
  • 1 liter of water

How to prepare it?

  • Pour the oatmeal into a pot of water, bring it to medium heat and let it cook for a few minutes.
  • Then remove it, blend it with a blender, and pass it through a strainer.

Rice milk

And what about rice milk

Rice milk is a light drink, lactose and gluten free. It is a food used to improve digestion and combat common disorders such as diarrhea.

Thanks to its contribution of tryptophan and B vitamins, it stands out as a good option to relax the body and fight stress.

It is rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.


  • Helps fight insomnia and anxiety.
  • Increases the energy expenditure of the body.
  • Improves the rate of metabolism.
  • It has purifying and hypotensive properties.
  • It is very low in calories and helps you lose weight.
  • Improves circulation and controls cholesterol.
  • It is good for brain health.


  • 1 cup of rice (200 g)
  • 10 cups of water (2.5 liters)

How to prepare it?

  • Wash the rice well and toast it over low heat, without using fats or the like.
  • When it browns, add the water and let it simmer for two hours.
  • After this time, filter it and sweeten it to your liking.

In order for you to benefit from the benefits of all these vegetable drinks, we recommend changing the recipe each week.

Remember that they are 100% natural products and free of preservatives, so they last for a maximum of 5 days in the refrigerator.

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