Best Exercise Routine To Do At Home

To achieve better results when exercising at home, we can do this exercise routine every other day and increase the intensity and repetitions as we gain resistance.

Surely you know several exercise routines to do at home. However, here we present one for which you do not need any equipment ; Of course, if you have elastic bands or dumbbells to make your exercises more intense, you can include them.

How long will this exercise routine take you to do at home? Just 7 minutes; you can practice it that day when you can’t go to the gym or on the weekend. You can also do it as part of your personal training if you are not signed up to any gym.

Exercise is very important for our health, according to this study from the University of San Buenaventura (Colombia). Not only to stay in shape (which is always good), but also to socialize, improve mood and, ultimately, improve our quality of life.

Exercises to do at home in 7 minutes

First of all, arrange yourself in a space where you cannot collide with anything; you can put on music to cheer yourself up while doing these exercises. Shall we start?

1. Jumps with split legs

The previous warm-up is very important so that we do not injure ourselves and so that the body is prepared to perform the exercises that we will present below.

To perform this warm-up,  you must jump, opening your legs and arms alternately  for 30 seconds. That is, when jumping and opening your legs, bring your arms stretched out over your head. As you jump back up and bring your feet together, bring your arms back to your waist.

2. Squat on the wall

For this exercise, you will need the support of a wall. It is not a normal squat, in which we have to lower the body and raise it again. As if we were sitting on an invisible chair, support your entire back against the wall.

You can put your arms forward, on your hips or in the position that is most comfortable for us. In this position, hold 30 seconds.

3. Push-ups

To do this third exercise, lie on the floor and put your hands at chest level. Then get up and down again; try to touch the ground with your chest. It is very important that the body goes up and down like a board, straight. Sometimes, due to exertion, we tend to lower our hips to help us, but this is not correct. Do as many push-ups as you can for 30 seconds. The more the merrier!

4. Abdominal crunch


After the push-ups, work your abs. For this exercise, lie on a flat surface. You can use a mat so that you are not on the cold ground and that this damages your back.

  • For 30 seconds, raise your trunk by doing force with your abdomen.
  • The arms will accompany the body to the front; when we go down it is important that they rise above our head.
  • If you want to perform this exercise more difficult, when you are up, with the abs in tension, raise your arms towards the ceiling.
  • Finally, lower them to shoulder height and stretch your torso again.

5. Step in chair

For this exercise, you will need a chair or bench of normal height; Check that it is firm to avoid injuries and accidents.

  • To perform this exercise, for 30 seconds, go up in the chair to support both legs and then lower.
  • Repeat the movement.
  • Try to do it without stopping until the time is up.

woman doing squat

6. Squats

To perform traditional squats, you must be careful that the knees do not exceed the balls of the feet. If done wrong, they can cause knee pain.

  • For 30 seconds, with your arms facing forward, sit on an imaginary chair and then return to the starting position.
  • Try to get as low as possible, in order to break the parallel between the thighs and the floor.
  • With practice, you will get almost to the ground.

    7. Chair triceps

    In this case, it is time to work your arms. This triceps work consists of the following steps:

    • With your back to the chair, rest your hands on the edge of the seat and stretch your legs.
    • Bend your arms and lower your body toward the ground. Then go up again.
    • You can also bend your legs, or keep them fully stretched.
    • Do as many reps as you can for 30 seconds.

    8. Plank

    With the plank or plank exercise, the abs are also exercised. As you can see, this 7-minute routine works the entire body. To do the plank, first lie on your stomach, with your feet pointed and your forearms flat on the floor.

    Keep your head aligned with your spine and hold in this position for 30 seconds. Focus on keeping your hips from going too low or too high.

    9. Knee raises

    Do you remember the warm-up from the beginning? In this case, you are going to do something similar; for 30 seconds, run without moving from the site, raising your knees as much as possible. To have a reference, think that they have to touch the chest.

    10. Front lunge

    Front stride

    To perform this exercise, you must stride forward. First, take a big step and bend your leg; the one left behind has to touch the ground. Perform this exercise under the same modality as the previous ones: everything possible in 30 seconds. To make it more complex, add weight by holding dumbbells or do two reps with each foot.

    11. Flexion with rotation

    In this case, the flexion of the third exercise must be performed, but with one more complication. For 30 seconds, do a full push-up; When you get to the top, rotate your body as much as possible. This should be kept straight; meanwhile, the arm that remains loose must be raised towards the ceiling.

    12. Side plank

    We have reached the end! This last of the exercises to do at home consists of a plank on the right side and another on the left side. Each of them will last about 30 seconds.

    To do it, stand on one side, laterally, with your body fully stretched and your forearm supported. The upper arm may be facing the ceiling or resting flat on the body.

    As you can see, this 7-minute routine is very simple to perform, but above all complete. We encourage you to put it into practice at least 3 days a week so that you start to see results. Of course, do not forget to warm up after doing this routine.

    After a while, and as long as you eat a healthy diet, your body will look more toned and you will gain strength and endurance. In short, all are advantages. Do you dare to put it into practice?

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