Breakfasts To Combat Overweight

Breakfast is essential if we want to lose weight. Since, in addition to providing us with the necessary energy dose, it activates the metabolism. Don’t settle for a bowl of oatmeal – salmon toast only gives you 360 calories.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day, essential to start the day in a healthy way and with energy, as well as being very important to activate our metabolism. For this reason, we present you 8 breakfasts that, in addition to being nutritious, can help you fight overweight.

Breakfasts to combat overweight

Many people ignore breakfast due to lack of time, lack of appetite or even because they believe that in this way they are doing their body good.

However, some studies have shown that skipping breakfast can be a serious mistake. In addition to affecting physical and intellectual performance, skipping breakfast contributes to diabetes, obesity and heart attacks.

If you want to take advantage of this time of day to activate your metabolism and lose weight, you do not have to settle for eating only oatmeal, egg white or whole grain cookies. Some breakfasts provide us with everything we need to start the day well and without preventing you from achieving your goal of losing weight and fighting overweight.

1. Smoked salmon toast


This delicious recipe is a great option to vary your breakfast a bit. It may seem inappropriate for weight control because of its cream cheese content. However, some researchers believe that the calcium found in dairy products helps with weight loss.


  • 1 slice of whole wheat toast
  • 1 tablespoon and a half cream cheese
  • 50 g smoked salmon
  • 1 thick onion slice
  • 1 tablespoon of chives


First, spread some cream cheese on the toast and, on top of this, place the smoked saloon, the thick onion and the spring onion.

Total: 360 calories

2. Green Eggs


This delicious recipe provides you with essential proteins and vitamins to keep you well throughout the day. Due to its spinach content, it is a great ally to lose weight and to control that anxiety to eat that you usually give during the rest of the day.


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 cup of sliced ​​mushrooms
  • 2 cups of spinach
  • 1 egg


To start, heat a little oil in a pan and sauté the mushrooms and spinach for a couple of minutes. Once they are ready, they are removed and an egg is fried in a small amount of olive oil. Finally, add the egg to the vegetables and enjoy!

Total: 230 calories.

3. Cherry and chocolate waffles


Whole grains not only help you lose weight, but they can prevent heart disease and type 2 diabetes, according to studies. With this delicious breakfast you can take advantage of whole grains with the delicious taste of chocolate and cherries.


  • 1 tablespoon of chocolate and almond cream
  • 2 whole grain waffles
  • 1 cup fresh pitted cherries


Spread the chocolate almond cream over the whole grain waffles. Finally, garnish the top with cherries.

Total: 350 calories

4. Toast with mango


Mangoes are full of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber, essential nutrients that you must follow in a diet to combat excess weight.


  • 1 tablespoon cream cheese
  • 2 slices of toast
  • 1 cup mango slices


You just have to spread the toast with the cream cheese and put the mango on it.

Total: 310 calories

5. Muesli with cherries

According to research from the University of Michigan Healt, the pigments in tart cherries can help reduce weight and body fat. This recipe is a delicious alternative to enjoy the benefits of cherries for breakfast.


  • ½ cup of rolled oats.
  • ½ unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • 2 tablespoons sour cherries, chopped


The night before consuming it, soak the oats in the almond milk and refrigerate. The next morning, mix with the other ingredients.

Total: 336 calories

6. Oatmeal with nuts and berries


This delicious breakfast is high in fiber and will help you lose weight while keeping you satisfied throughout the morning and keeping your guts from rumbling until lunch.


  • 1 package instant oatmeal
  • 1 cup skim milk
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped walnuts
  • ½ cup raspberries
  • ½ cup blueberries

Total: 351 calories


Use the milk to prepare the oatmeal following the instructions on the package. Once it is ready, you should add walnuts, raspberries and blueberries.

7. Yogurt and grapefruit


  • 220 g light yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat germ
  • ½ teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon flaxseeds
  • 1 medium grapefruit


To start, in a bowl mix the wheat germ and ground flax seeds to use as a base. Later, in a glass alternate layers of grapefruit and yogurt. Lastly, cover with the honey and wheat germ.

Total: 252 calories

8. Oatmeal, banana and strawberry smoothie

Incorporating this energy shake into your breakfasts will allow you to face the day with the necessary energy, since it combines the protein of oats together with the vitamins and minerals of banana and strawberry.


  • 300 ml of skimmed milk
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 140 g strawberries
  • 40 g flaked oats
  • Vanilla extract


First, soak the oatmeal in the skim milk for 10 minutes. Then drain it and add it to the blender along with the other ingredients.

Total: 331 calories

These healthy breakfasts will allow you to start the day with energy without getting in the way of your goal of losing weight. Do not forget the importance of exercising regularly.

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