Brewer’s Yeast To Treat Acne

Brewer’s yeast is a by-product of beer production often used as an extra supply of nutrients to our diet. Although it can also help us maintain the good condition of the skin.

For this reason we recommend using brewer’s yeast to treat acne. Find out how in this article!

What does beer yeast give us?

Consumption of brewer’s yeast, rich in vegetable protein, fiber, B vitamins in addition to iron. All of them are essential elements and they must be present in our diet if we want to keep our body in good condition.

The  vitamins of the B group   are prominent in skin care, hair and nails role. Indicates María José Alonso, Member of Medicinal Plants and Homeopathy of the College of Pharmacists of Barcelona.

  • The  vitamin B2 (riboflavin) prevents hair fall.
  • The  vitamin B3  (niacin) involved in the synthesis of keratin.
  • The  vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is essential for proper metabolism of zinc ore which is part of skin. On the other hand, the trace element selenium helps against skin cell damage and reduces the characteristics of the skin that come with old age due to its antioxidant capacity.

    One of its main attractions for the care of our appearance is the ability that is associated to revitalize the skin, hair and nails. Well, it is said that it helps skin cells reproduce and tissues regenerate.

    It comes from the decomposition of gluten in barley that is used to prepare the drink. The product that results from the fermentation process is processed and packaged. You can get brewer’s yeast flakes and even pills in stores and herbalists.

    Brewer's yeast flakes

    The flakes can be used for both external or internal use, while the tablets are taken orally, as a natural supplement.

    In summary, the properties associated with brewer’s yeast would be:

    • Strengthens the nails.
    • Makes hair grow .
    • Improves the appearance of the skin.
    • Purges toxins.
    • Regulates blood glucose.
    • Balances intestinal transit.
    • Strengthens the nervous system.
    • Reduces anemia.
    • Control body weight.

    How does brewer’s yeast work against acne?

    Within the chemical composition of brewer’s yeast there would be large amounts of biotin (vitamin B8). It is said that by consuming it we increase the body’s ability to carry out metabolic processes and, as a consequence, eliminate accumulated toxins that can be associated with acne.

    We can opt for two treatments with brewer’s yeast:

    • Powdered : About 20 grams are ingested a day (there are also pills with the same dose).
    • In a mask : Yeast powder is mixed with other ingredients to form a topical treatment.

    Women applying a mask

    What can you combine yeast with to make acne masks?

    • Apple vinager
    • Milk
    • Wheat germ oil
    • Yoghurt
    • Water

    Brewer’s yeast mask recipes

    If you opt for external treatment, we recommend using any of these recipes:

    Brewer’s yeast and water mask

    It is the simplest of all techniques and is used for blackheads and teenage acne.


    • 2 tablespoons of baking powder (20 g)
    • ¼ cup of water (62.5 ml)


    • Heat the water without boiling. Mix with the yeast to form a homogeneous and somewhat thick paste (if you need more water or yeast you can add it until you get the right consistency).
    • Let it warm to a bearable temperature and apply to the face or affected area, which we will have previously washed with neutral soap.
    • After 20 minutes, remove with warm water. Apply a moisturizer if you have oily or combination skin. Otherwise, rinse with cold water to tighten the pores.

      Brewer’s yeast and milk mask

      Beer yeast

      Both components have wonderful properties for the skin. Milk has been used as a softener and tonic since ancient Egypt (theories say that Cleopatra bathed with donkey’s milk to have a clearer and more beautiful complexion).


      •  5 tablespoons of yeast (50 g)
      • 4 tablespoons of milk (40 ml)


      • In a saucepan, heat the milk until it is warm (it does not come to a boil).
      • Remove from the heat, pour in the yeast and stir well so that you have a homogeneous cream thick enough to spread over the skin.
      • Wash your face or acne area with unscented soap and warm water. Spread the mask in circular motions and let it work for 20 minutes.
      • After that time, rinse with cold water and apply a moisturizer.
      • You can repeat this home treatment up to 3 times a week.

      Brewer’s yeast, milk and vinegar mask


      • 1 tablespoon of brewer’s yeast (10 g)
      • 2 egg yolks
      • a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
      • a splash of milk
      • a tablespoon of honey (25 g)


      • Dissolve the yeast with the vinegar. Add the warm milk, honey, and egg yolks.
      • Mix everything very well so that it is a thick and integrated cream. If it is very liquid, add a little more yeast. If not, add more milk.
      • Spread on your face or wherever you want to eliminate acne (previously washed) and leave for 15 to 20 minutes.
      • Rinse with lukewarm water to remove all residue from the mask.
      • You can repeat this procedure up to 3 times a week, always at night.

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