Brothers, The Best Friends We Didn’t Choose

Friends are important people who are by our side because, in some way, we have chosen them. This is not the case with siblings. They are those members who are part of our family, who become our best friends and with whom we have shared a large part of our life.

The relationship between siblings will be one of the most intense that we are going to experience. In other types of relationships, if there is something we do not like or if we continually find ourselves arguing, they may end up breaking down. This does not happen between siblings, where the ups and downs are more than normal.

We can always count on our brothers

Our brothers will be the people who know us the best. We have not chosen to live with them, but they have shared a few years of our life. This is the most difficult thing for any couple, but between siblings there has been no option. This situation means that, for many problems that arise, they must be solved yes or yes.

In addition, the fact that everything always ends well and you end up forgiving each other, despite all the arguments and fights, is based on that unconditional love that exists between you. A love that has been forged during those years that you have shared laughter, tears, toys, reflections, doubts, opinions …

Do you want to discover a great curiosity? Arguments between siblings, far from being negative, can help us emotionally to learn to control our impulses and be flexible, to put aside all those negative feelings that can address us in a moment of anger.

Everything our brothers give us

Without wanting to, you are still together despite having your bad (and good) moments. All that that is promised in marriages and that, if it does not go from strength to strength, will probably break, it does not happen in a sibling relationship.

It’s true that sometimes we don’t have any of this. There are sibling relationships where one of them is too toxic or, for some reason, the incompatibility appears. This sometimes happens and leads to a disastrous relationship that leaves a bad experience for the person who lives it.

We know that, although sometimes selfishness or other unpleasant circumstances arise, the normal thing is that we end up giving in and tending towards the act of sharing. When this does not happen, we may be dealing with a malevolent brother who does not harbor positive feelings.

However, the normal thing is that siblings are part of our life experience and constitute what we consider family. Although sooner or later you take different paths, you will know that in your reunion you will continue to maintain that trust that you have always had.

Always by our side


What if something happens to me or I have a problem? You know that with a call your brother will be there, ready to help you. Think of sibling relationships as trees. No matter how much their branches spread, they will always share the same root, so no matter how far apart they will always maintain a link.

Those knowing glances, that language that only the two of you understand, those secrets that you would never reveal to someone. Siblings are an important part of our life, so we must value, protect and support them. There will be no relationship that you have not chosen more pure and healthy than you will maintain it with a brother. A relationship based on true unconditional love.

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