Chicken Pie With Sliced ​​bread

The  cake chicken with bread is a very handy recipe, especially when we have guests at home that arise without warning. For this reason, if we have little time, e It is ideal to prepare it for Christmas dinner, a birthday or simply to enjoy with the family on any weekend.

Next, we show you 2 very easy recipes to make. One is cold and the other is hot. In addition, we will propose different ideas so that you can make all the variants you want with this chicken pot pie with sliced ​​bread .

If you are creative you will end up making a recipe with your personal touch. You dare?

Chicken pie recipe with cold sliced ​​bread

Chicken pie


  • Sliced ​​bread without crust.
  • Roasted or cooked chicken.
  • 1/2 onion.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 1/4 of lettuce.
  • 2 boiled eggs.
  • Table olives.
  • Capers (optional).
  • Pickled gherkins (optional).
  • Cucumber (optional).
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Fried tomato or Ketchup.

For the homemade mayonnaise

  • 2 small glasses of milk.
  • 1 glass of sunflower oil.
  • Salt.


  • 1 knife
  • 1 bowl
  • 1 cutting board.
  • 1 spoon.
  • 1 mold.
  • 1 mixer.


Chop all the ingredients in julienne strips and add a pink sauce made with mayonnaise and tomato sauce or ketchup. Subsequently, line a rectangular mold with plastic wrap. The plastic wrap has to protrude quite a bit from the mold. After this, place a layer of sliced ​​bread.

Next, add a layer of Ketchup or tomato sauce, and put a good layer of filling. Now, you can go assembling the cake covering the entire mold.

Finish your cake with a layer of sliced ​​bread, close it with plastic wrap and put some weight on top. Put in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Lastly, take it out of the fridge and add pink sauce all over the cake and grated egg yolk on top.

How to make homemade mayonnaise

If you prefer to make a homemade mayonnaise instead of using the one sold in supermarkets, this recipe is very simple. Of course, to make it perfect you have to add the exact proportions: 1 measure of oil for 2 of milk and do not move the mixer while you are making it.

  • Put all the ingredients in the mixer and beat.
  • You will get a thick mayonnaise that never cuts.

container with homemade mayonnaise

Data of interest

  • Difficulty: easy.
  • Time: 30 minutes (approximately).

Variants of chicken pot pie

This is a basic recipe but you can make a thousand variations. We show you some:

  • With whole wheat bread : with this type of bread, all the green ingredients and mayonnaise are very good instead of the pink sauce. You can put lettuce, pickled gherkin, cucumber, capers and green olives.
  • Very colorful : if you want a very colorful cake, add corn, bell peppers, grated carrot and chopped black olives as ingredients.
  • Mixed : if you want you can put some canned tuna, prawns and very minced sea mouths. The contrast is very good.
  • With different types of lettuce : if you want a super healthy cake, buy a package of assorted lettuces: iceberg, oak … add some more ingredient and that’s it.

Ideas to decorate the chicken pie

  • With strips of bell peppers and black olives.
  • With grated carrot.
  • Forming flowers: make the flowers with corn, half a cherry tomato in the center of each flower and some parsley leaves that serve as the stem and leaves of the flower.
  • With quail eggs cut in half and cucumber cut into thin slices.
  • With radishes and cherry tomatoes.

Chicken Loaf Bread Recipe (Hot)



  • Cooked chicken.
  •  1 Sliced ​​bread.
  • 1/2 liter of milk.
  •  1/4 of liquid cream.
  • Grated cheese.
  • 2 eggs


  • 1 mold.
  • Oven.


Butter a mold and layer with slices of bread. Next, add the chicken, cheese and another layer of sliced ​​bread.

Go forming your cake with as many layers as you want. Finally, beat the milk with the egg and the cream, drizzle all over the cake. Finish the cake by sprinkling with grated cheese. Put in the oven preheated to 200ºC for about 15 minutes.

We hope you are encouraged to make these two recipes for chicken pie with sliced ​​bread and that you try all the variants that there are. Each one of them will surprise you!

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