Chinese Tamarind, The Star Fruit.

Carambola, star fruit, tiriguro … Chinese tamarind has several names. Have you never heard of this fruit tree? Then you will be surprised to know that it can reach 5 meters. It is exhibited in clusters on the plant and the trunk and has a slightly sweet, acidic and somewhat bitter taste.

It is native to Indonesia  but we can also find it in Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia and Brazil. The main producers of this fruit are India, Malaysia, South China, Thailand, Israel, although it is also grown in Central America, the South Pacific and Florida.

What benefits does this fruit have?

The star fruit provides us with carbohydrates, vitamin C, B vitamins, carotenes, fiber and  minerals  (phosphorus, copper, potassium, boron, calcium, magnesium and manganese) … It also has antioxidant compounds such as fumaric acid, succinic acid and tartaric acid.

It is also used as a mild laxative thanks to its contribution of soluble fiber, and is recommended for  people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and heart ailments. The reason? Its low content in carbohydrates and sodium and its great contribution of potassium. The scientific literature suggests the possible properties of tamarind against the attenuation of hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia associated with diabetes. However, the administered compound is usually from the stem of the plant, not the fruit, and these are studies carried out in animals.

It could also help lower cholesterol levels according to some scientific articles. Despite everything, there is no complete evidence for this claim.

How can we consume it?

It can be consumed both raw and cooked, generally in juices or salads. It is also used to decorate drinks and desserts due to the star shape it acquires when cut. It is also used to season or accompany fish and shellfish, and in Asian countries preserves and syrups of the fruit are made.

It is ideal for those who want to take care of their figure (thanks to its low fat content ) and also for pregnant women due to its great nutritional value.


Contraindications and warnings

Like all food, it has its benefits and contraindications. Due to its high content of oxalic acid, it is  contraindicated for those who suffer from kidney stones, gout and kidney failure according to the following study. Its consumption in these people can cause intoxication and subsequent neurological deterioration. It is also not recommended in people who suffer from gastritis.

Do not forget that e n If you are receiving medication should consult your doctor before consuming tamarind.

Even if you do not belong to the group of people who suffer from the ailments or situations mentioned above, no abuse is recommended. A healthy and balanced diet consists of knowing how to choose and combine the best foods.


Chinese tamarind juice

This recipe simply incorporates four tamarinds, so it will maintain the acid-sweet flavor that characterizes the star fruit, something similar to that of passion fruit. You will need to:


  • 4 tamarinds washed and chopped
  • 1 liter of water
  • Sugar or sweetener to taste
  • Ice

Step by Step

  1. Add the ingredients, except the ice, into the blender.
  2. Blend and sift
  3. Add back to the blender with the ice, beat and it is ready to serve.


The Chinese tamarind or star fruit is a food that has been valued for its interesting concentration of nutrients, including vitamin C, fiber and minerals such as magnesium.

Despite the fact that its consumption can be positive for the improvement of some pathologies, the studies found are still not conclusive, so it is necessary that more research be carried out in this regard. However, we can benefit from its fiber content, which is very positive for gastrointestinal health.

However, its consumption must be done with care in certain cases, since it also contains substances that are harmful to people with kidney diseases, gout and gastritis. Do you know her?

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