Clay Mask For Facial Health

Depending on your skin type, a clay mask can help you achieve the effect you are looking for and revive the complexion

A clay mask is a good option to take care of the health of our face. Do you want what are its benefits and how to make them? In this article we bring you 6 different clay masks, depending on your skin type and the result you are looking for.

Clay is a substance capable of hydrating, softening, exfoliating and nourishing the skin. Yes, all of that. The minerals present in clay can be an excellent cosmetic ally.

In view of the fact that our face is exposed to factors such as dust, the sun and environmental pollution, it is normal for the skin to deteriorate. The joint action of these factors can cause irritations, allergies and premature aging. Although the damage is not always very evident, it is present.

But we can help prevent and reduce this damage through certain care, such as a good clay mask. Homemade clay masks have amazing results from the first application.

The effects of clay

Clay is known to be considered a mineral-laden and skin-friendly substance. It manages to revive the color, improve the texture and shine of the skin. In fact, it is said that clay serves to “draw heat out of tissues.”

The benefits of clay masks are varied and will depend on the type we choose. Thus, red clay will be richer in iron than others, for example. In other words, depending on its composition, its properties will vary. However, they all seem to be very beneficial for the skin.

Types of clay mask

1. Acne mask (all skin types)

We need a glass or clay bowl plus half a cup of water and clay. With this we make a homogeneous and smooth dough. We wash our face with plenty of water and a neutral soap or a facial cleanser to remove any dirt or impurities before applying the mask.

Once we have dry face, we will apply with the help of our fingertips (or a brush) the clay all over the face except for the area of ​​the eyelids and the mouth.  We will let it act for 15 to 20 minutes. Then we will remove the clay with a cotton pad (or a sponge) and warm water.

2. Green clay mask (for oily and blemished skin)

With lemon and clay we can also make a mask much easier and with the same results with the difference that, while doing this treatment we must avoid exposing ourselves directly to the sun. If we do not follow this advice, lemon can cause hyperpigmentation and even burns.

How do you do it? For this we must mix one hundred grams of clay, preferably green, with 10 milliliters of lemon juice. When we have a soft cream, we apply it on the face. We also let it act for 15 to 30 minutes and then we remove it with warm water.

Green clay

3. Exfoliating mask (for all skin types)

We will need rose essence water, olive oil, sugar and clay. We will mix the ingredients in an earthenware or glass container until we achieve a homogeneous mixture. Then  we apply it on the face with circular movements. Remove with water, in this case cold, to be able to close the pores once the treatment is finished. You will look radiant!

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4, Red clay mask (for skin with a dry tendency)

We will need a cucumber, honey, and a half cup of red clay. In a container with little water we will place the sliced ​​cucumber for 20 minutes. To this water we will add a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of yogurt. We mix everything with a wooden palette to get a cream, and then we apply it on the face. It is left to act for 30 minutes and is removed with cold water.

5. White clay mask (for all skin types)

Here we have a simple preparation we will only need white clay, a few drops of coconut oil and rose water. We mix in a bowl obtaining a paste of creamy consistency. We will apply it to the face and let it act for 30 to 40 minutes and then we will remove it with cold water.

6. Yellow clay mask (for all skin types)

You will need a few drops of almond oil, yellow clay and two chamomile tea bags. First, the infusion is prepared, then it is allowed to cool a little and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Once we apply it, we will let it act for 20 minutes.

We must emphasize that we should never prepare this mask with metal utensils, since its use eliminates or alters the properties of the clay. It is recommended to perform these treatments 2 times a week. As a precaution, in case of exfoliation do not expose yourself to the sun immediately.

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