Combat The Feeling Of Cold In The Extremities

The feeling of cold in the extremities can be a sign of poor circulation. It is convenient to discuss this with the doctor to find the cause of the problem.

The sensation of cold in the extremities is an obvious sign that the blood is having difficulty reaching them, possibly due to some problem in the circulatory system.

It must be remembered that, in addition to transporting oxygen and nutrients, blood carries heat to the body, therefore, when it cannot flow as it should, it is normal to experience a drop in temperature in areas where it flows with greater difficulty, such as extremities.

Poor circulation is usually a common problem in middle and elderly people, as the passage of time increases the stiffness in the arteries. However, these can also develop due to increased cholesterol levels, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, at other ages.

Ways to combat cold in the extremities

Now, due to the discomfort it causes in the extremities and the risks it entails, it is important to adopt good lifestyle habits, in order to combat poor circulation. 

In view of this, we recommend a series of homemade solutions that, when added to a healthy lifestyle and the instructions of your doctor, will help you greatly.

Infusion of gingko biloba to combat the cold in the extremities.

1. Drink an infusion of ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba leaves contain a high content of flavonoids that, when their extract is ingested, stimulates central and peripheral blood circulation, and therefore, the irrigation of organic tissues becomes more efficient and the sensation of cold in the extremities disappears. .

On the other hand, ginkgo biloba is considered to have active compounds that dilate blood vessels and promote the elasticity of arterial walls. Therefore, regular consumption of its infusion improves blood flow, lowers blood pressure and prevents the formation of varicose veins. To take advantage of its benefits you can drink its infusion.


  • 1 tablespoon of ginkgo biloba (10 g).
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).


  • Place a tablespoon of ginkgo biloba in a cup of boiling water and let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • After this time, filter it and consume the liquid.
  • You can drink it up to twice a day.

2. Use cayenne pepper

The active compound in cayenne pepper, capsaicin, stimulates the function of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. By including it in the diet, the risk of arteriosclerosis, heart attack or stroke is reduced.

As if that were not enough, it is a good complement against varicose veins, the feeling of cold and inflammation. So, look for cayenne pepper powder and add it regularly to your smoothies, soups and other recipes. You can also use it as a base to make topical ointments.

3. Eat more foods rich in omega 3

Oddly enough, by improving lifestyle habits and, among them, eating, all the discomforts derived from poor circulation diminish. Including, the sensation of cold in the extremities.

Omega 3 dietary supplements have several important effects on the health of the cardiovascular system. These essential fatty acids cleanse veins, lower cholesterol levels, and control inflammation to reduce heart risk. 

Although it can be found in tablets and medicines, the best way to get it is through food.  So, to enjoy its benefits, regularly include foods such as: oily fish, avocado, olive oil, nuts, sunflower, flax, and pumpkin seeds in your diet.

4. Use hydrotherapy techniques

Within hydrotherapy, there is a very popular technique, known as a contrast shower or bath. This consists of the use of water, at a certain pressure and temperature, for intervals of time. It basically consists of the contrast of hot and cold water. This helps activate blood circulation, eliminate the sensation of cold, as well as reduce inflammation and pain.


5. Elevate your legs

This simple activity is one of the best therapies for activating circulation in the legs, reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and eliminating the feeling of cold. It is also excellent for reducing general tiredness and relieving emotional tension.

After ending your workday and getting home , lie down on the bed and raise your legs towards the ceiling. Stay in this position for 3 to 5 minutes, rest for a while and raise them again for another 5 minutes.

6. Get moving

To walk

The feeling of tension and pain in the limbs suggest that the best remedy is rest. Although with this it is possible to feel a slight sensation of relief, the truth is that in the long run it can make the problem worse.

Low-impact physical activity stimulates blood flow and, therefore, helps reduce inflammation of the extremities. Consequently, it provides complete and effective relief. Walk at least 30 minutes a day to get rid of the discomfort of poor circulation.


In addition to putting good lifestyle habits into practice and including these solutions in your home treatment to combat poor circulation, it is essential to take into account, first of all, the instructions of your doctor. 

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